Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Life so far

I'm still the worrywart girl.

I'm still the girl who thinks too much.

I still can't ride a bicycle.


Life so far, is like any normal life; has its ups and downs. I'm glad that now I can ride bus by myself, and thus I won't have to trouble my host dad or mom in terms of transportation. Well not for school... if only I can ride bicycle maybe I won't have to trouble them...

If someone asks me whether I have a favorite idol.. I will be blank.

If someone asks me whether my life in Taiwan is good or not, I'll say very good. But actually I don't know if that is really how I feel. Maybe yes, maybe no. I do feel grateful to Rotary International for having this wonderful exchange program, but I really don't know if when I say 'very good' is a white lie, or it is really how I feel.

I'm sometimes too realistic, and I feel that I can't say what I haven't experienced. I feel happy being here, but time just flies too fast.

I hate how the school system here makes my classmates so busy it makes me feel that I am disturbing their study time sometimes. They don't look that stressed, but actually they are stressed. They have lots and lots of homework, so they have to spend at least a day of their weekend, or maybe both; to do homework.

In Indonesia, I won't do that unless I do have an assignment due in Monday or maybe Tuesday.

I make my own homework by searching for new words, and write diary in Chinese, etc. I watch TV in Chinese, not caring whether I understand or not.

So far I have improved a lot, especially when in my first day I don't speak Chinese at all. All the Chinese I've learned had ran away from my mind.

This Sunday we'll have a speech contest. I won't aim for the first; I know the Thailand exchange student will win. I know.

Sometimes I feel kind of inferior among the other exchange students. They treat me indifferently, but still... well, as stated above I am indeed a too-much-thinker. I am the only Chinese coming to a Chinese speaking country, and sometimes the fact bothered me.

They all look different, while I look the same. Sometimes jealousy occurs, but I'm not the kind of person who'd be like hateful because of that. I'd rather keep it inside, or maybe just speak to them sincerely and not in a bad way.

Lunch time. Maybe I'll continue this blabber of mine later.