Friday, January 23, 2009

midnight babble

I realize my posts are always so long, except for the short simple ones. And I lack PICTURES!

Unless you are pretty much like me, who could stand reading long blogs of babble, I suppose you're gonna think my blog is boring. All texts and no pictures. I do have actually, but it's just the way uploading and moving pictures here makes me lazy to upload... =___=

It's ten past one now. Over midnight. Holidays really make you want to sleep later, and later and later. Later I gotta clean up the room. Why did I say later? Logically it's already the next day, it's just because I haven't slept so my brain thinks this is still January 23rd. Time difference-- remember that. I really don't know what I want to write. Maybe I'm forcing myself? I wanted to make a story with my original characters and if possible, make a small manga. Friends always encourage me to make mangas because they think my drawing capabilities are enough to make manga.. though I don't really think so --"