Friday, January 23, 2009

crazed over

This is supposed to be in another of my blog, but somehow I feel like posting it here. Oh well, who cares anyway. I'm still in Taiwan after all. Recent, or maybe not so recent happenings in my life..


OWNED BY MANGAFOX (and whoever scanned and translated it). Original image link:

I ain't claiming it as mine, since I'm only a reader. Really wish I could buy the book.. if only it's available in my language @__@ (so I can read it any time I want without worrying over computer)

Why did I choose this image? I think the Hakuron on the bottom panel looks especially gorgeous XDDD

Oh yeah. Hakuron Uon. 黑龍

When I read Love Celeb, I thought that Gin was already so handsome (and then changed), and then came Sakuya (changed again), and now... Hakuron! (unchanged) --refrains self from going fangirl mode

He is definitely the most good-looking among all-- well to me. I don't know why. As for personalities, since we're not discussing real men here, let's not talk about that... it sounds like I'm going to go back to my old self crazing over anime guys too much as if they're real.. okay let's move on.

I actually read about this series in Wikipedia. Heard it was popular so I wanted to read, but other than I didn't know many other free online-reading sites. I know there's more than a bunch but I just didn't know. I saw my host sister seeing this free online-reading site but translated to Chinese, and there's this series she's currently reading. My sole purpose of going to the website ( ) was to search what name was the series she read.

It's just me, to play these little detective games. That web turned out to have an English version, and so I checked. Yay, it has lots and also.. Haou Airen! Sadly, the chapters were unavailable for some kind of reason.

Next resort: google it. And yesh, I did succeed. is mah lifesaver LOL. I became addicted to it, and I became lazy on cleaning my room (I could clean my room with the time I have but I read online manga instead)... I finished reading it in a few days, but not consecutive.

Somehow, listening to songs I listened while reading the manga makes me remember.. I suppose it's normal in a logical way, but sometimes color does too.

The songs I listened while reading Haou Airen were: (I know this is just me, but it's a blog so it's supposed to bear with my babbles no matter what kind it is :p)

It's Amazing - Jem (Sex and The City OST)
Together When... - Ayumi Hamasaki
Prisoner Of Love - Utada Hikaru (Last Friends OST)
Womanizer - Britney Spears
薄荷與指甲(lit. Mint and Nail Scissors) - Rachel Liang (梁文音 Liang Wen-Yin)
Somewhere I Belong - Linkin Park
Perhaps Love (Mandarin version) - Howl & J
Truth - Nobuo Uematsu (FF8 OST - Edea's House background music)

Underlined means like 'reminders'. Maybe more related or something I don't know but my brain just picks it up?

Other examples are like I remember Utada Hikaru's songs for Kingdom Hearts by a certain color; white reminds me of Simple and Clean, and red reminds me of Sanctuary/Passion. I guess that's what you call impression?


Can't say I have just gotten addicted to it. While I'm still in Indonesia me and my little brother love Ranma 1/2 comics and we always look for new volumes :D I love how she makes the comic crazy.


Now I check this almost everyday. I open computer, and my email inbox plus facebook is the first I will see. @___@""

Bye bye friendster...


For my holidays I've got personal homework stuffed up. Well I thank my teachers for helping me, giving me a book of Chinese idioms with bopomofo decorating each character so I can read (even though may be very extremely slow), and then old newspapers which also had bopomofo, and two books I borrowed from the library.

I really want to spend my holidays slacking off for some while, since even though my situation is much better than my schoolmates, I miss holidays. Chinese New Year is also close, which means I gotta clean up the room. Darn it... =_= oh well, might as well dig up some lost things. I lost some things, and most probably I forgot where I had put them. Moving to a new house needed a lot of small bags, one heavy sport bag, and very heavy luggage... my host dad even said I still have 6 months to go and it's already this many... woe is me.


Maybe this has been mentioned in the previous entries, but it's because I heard we're going to go cycling in Kaohsiung (高雄). My host mom did say she won't let me go if I can't ride, which would be no fun at all... Of course she's worried about my safety, but not being able to spend with people you're not going to meet for a long time in the future sucks. So, the solution is? Training.


I don't know why but today out of boredom I produced some "self-proclaimed"good-looking artworks. I wish I could color them. I want to try submitting colored art in Deviantart, which is one of the reasons why I keep holding back on submitting arts.


I miss it so much. Oh... I remember I named it HAKUTUCHI. When I was little.. oh.


The blanket is still in my possession, not broken and all.. however it has changed due to one accident caused by my maid, and many small accidents caused by me.

I wish I could put up a photo here, but I don't take pictures of my belongings often.. maybe it's because I feel okay just by seeing them already. Maybe I've got to change this habit.. though it really isn't a bad one..