Sunday, March 1, 2009


I'm wondering if my fangirlness are gone now.

I used to be a REAL fangirl, and now that I think of it, it IS embarrassing.. LOOL That's what you call experience.

Then my best friend changed me, she made me look into reality and not craze over something that isn't even real.

But I still go 'he's so handsome' or whatever, it's just I go for real people now :p

That day, I went with two of my exchange friends to go watch Twilight.

I was like, awww and well, squealing to myself(of course low volume) and one of my exchange friends said, "Don't be a fangirl. Nobody likes a fangirl,"

Then she explained that soo many girls like Edward and to hear squeals is just tiring. She wasn't angry though, to be more exact she was giving me an advice.

I said I won't be a fangirl in front of her, but those words actually remained in my head. Loool.