Sunday, October 19, 2008

I suppose it's karma..

Yesterday, I went outside with my fellow exchangees. Yeah, I started out bad cause I annoyed my host dad for being late.. I immediately felt terrible.. well he didn't seem to be angry but being the skeptical girl I am, a guilt means double, triple, quadruple, or maybe quintuple guilt... (I suppose I'm being too hyperbolic)

Then he dropped me in front of a building. I waited until Carol would come. It turned out the other exchange students who lives in Tainan City also came. So it's not only Carol. Our party has Belly, from Brazil; Claudio, from Mexico; and Max, from Thailand. Max or Belly's host mom (I don't know who is currently residing at her house) is also here.

First thing we did was lunch. I ate lunch at home; which I regretted; so I only drank orange juice and ate some fries, and also tried something that tasted like chicken.. but it tasted good anyways. Belly, Max and Carol ate lunch; Belly and Carol ate fettucine, Max ate a lasagna. Claudio said he had eaten lunch so he only ate fries. I shared my fries with Belly and Carol.

We looked at some camera shops, and well, shops that sell similar stuff. Carol wanted to buy a camera, but not now. Then we went through the shops. I went here before, so I wasn't as interested. I talked to Claudio most of the time, and I thought I get along better with girls. LOL. Maybe because he starts the talking most of the time too LOL.

While shopping, Max asked if we wanted to watch movies. He said he was bored :p and so we went.. well I didn't think any of the consequences going without telling home 爸 or home 媽 when going there. Instead, I had fun. I practiced some Spanish I learned from Patty.. though I didn't know how it spelled exactly =P

We got there. It was the big department store my host parents told me, and it's expensive. Oh well, we're going to watch a movie after all, not shopping :) we watched The House of Bunny. I somehow thought Anna Faris' face looked like Britney.. and also, Rumer Willis really looked like Keira Knightley after the makeover I thought they changed actresses (Rumer to Keira).

After that, I was planning for a photo booth but let it go. Then we just wandered around. We looked at branded stores such as Dior; wow we seem to be super-rich teens.. LOL. We got friendly with the people in the store xD being an exchange student means that too, and I'm glad :D

After Dior was Prada. In the middle, home 媽 called and so, feeling a terrible pang of guilt asking her to pick me up I immediately said goodbye, with hurried face (I felt so) and went outside, only to see nothing. Later I found out that there were two department stores with the same name, and home 媽 mistook where I was with the other one. I felt more terrible than ever. She said it's okay but next time I should go home by myself because it's very far. I felt like descending to the deepest part of Earth.

I cried, but I didn't want her to know. It was nightfall and I should be able to cover it, hopefully. We stopped for a while to buy dinner for me and Rose. When we finally got home, I was hoping that my eyes wouldn't let home 媽 know I'd been crying on the way home. But well, it was too obvious that my eyes are red thanks to crying. I kept quiet though, and home 媽 also kept quiet, though I didn't know she realized it or not. I think she did, though. I was never a good liar.

Going home, I decided to take a bath first, which is something I don't usually do. Usually I'd eat first and then take a bath and brush my teeth in the same time so I save trouble. But well, I spent my time alone and cried inside the bathroom. I wasn't the kind to cry loudly, so well, they weren't curious.

I had runny nose that day. Actually it was from Saturday. I didn't feel very good on Saturday, and ended up sleeping to make me feel better. The crying just intensified my runny nose. I didn't know how many tissues I spent that day; well my rubbish bin isn't that full of tissues but on the surface it's all tissues. Afterwards I calmed down a little bit, though I might burst at any time.

And so, I ate dinner. I never really liked the vegetables here. They don't fit my taste... --"

I ate my dinner and washed the box to throw it to the recyclable trash can. Then I finished my green tea, which I had bought this morning. I spent more time in my room; because I didn't want Rose, or home 媽 to know I had been crying. I even read my Twilight book in my room, when usually I'd read it downstairs so I don't have to turn on the fan inside my room. I wasn't used to using the fan inside my room. I prefer the one downstairs.

I heard the door open while I was reading Twilight. It must be home 爸. I continued on reading Twilight. Until I wanted to sleep. Oh yeah, I washed half of my underwears; since I wasn't really in the mood for washing. Although it means that I have to wash my socks and remaining underwears in the next 2 or 3 days. T_________T

The only thing I hated in exchange life was the washing part.

When I wanted to say good night, it turned out they were gone. So I said to Rose good night (晚安) and then drifted off to sleep. I thought I would burst into tears again, but it seemed that I'd gotten tired of crying. Oh well, that's better.

However, being the emotional person I am, if this turns up again I might burst out. T__T