Sunday, October 12, 2008


I didn't feel like updating, but here; as I've just gone back to Tainan from Taipei; I'll write on my blog. I intended to make this weekly but I just don't feel like doing it most of the time.

Oh well. Here goes.

I can officially go home at five; although I always go home at six because I get picked up usually at about ten past six. Why wait and do nothing; I'd rather go stay in the classroom. It's colder and more comfortable =P

But today I go home earlier. I should be picked up at 5.30 but my host dad got here ten minutes late. Who cares though; lol. When I went home I had to hurry; I had to eat quickly and then get my luggage down. I packed yesterday night but I left some outside the luggage; because I thought I could have some time to get it in; well I didn't forget my toothbrush BUT I left my small gifts; powder; facial cleanser and my iPod charger (haha). I hate hurrying -_-

Actually I didn't realize it right away. When I was eating I remembered that I haven't put my blue bag which contained the things above inside my bag. But as I was hurried, I forgot. And I realized it when I was in the bus. PERFECT.

Home ba(pa) took us to someplace near the bus station. And then home ba and ma went to the Rotary meeting in Queena hotel something where they have the weekly Rotary meeting. God, at the end of this month I have to do a presentation. Hopefully I won't get a sore throat as I plan to sing; I can't do a dance... oh well. It's in English; so I hope I have no trouble.. I don't want to get stage fright LOL.

Then me and my host sis, Rose, waited until the bus came. We have seat numbers so we don't have to worry about getting separated. Rose's two friends had departed at five; so they'll get to Taipei earlier than us. The scheduled time was 18.48 but the bus was late for I don't know how many minutes; but it wasn't that long. Inside the city the bus lights (inside the bus) are on, and on freeway it's off.

Yeah, I realized I forgot my blue bag and I hoped I had some small gifts in my luggage. But I don't remember putting any inside. I got worried; and being the worrywart I am, I try to think of a way as an alternative. I thought of giving a box of chocolates; why do I worry so much for the small gifts? Cos we're going to stay in Rose's relative's house; so we don't have to stay in a hotel.

Ah well. I slept a few times during the trip. Dunno why I can sleep a few times; but I was sleepy. Oh well. I also ate my rice cake snack in order to finish. Oh yeah, this bus has a TV, but it gets bzzzz when the road is bumpy. Grr. And pauses the film. I don't understand the film, or even the subtitle because it's in French and the subtitle is Chinese; but oh well. I just watch and listen without knowing what it meant. Sometimes I turn it off, and sometimes I turn it on. Every seat has a speaker; I think it's positioned on the ear position when we sit; it's inside the seat and the 'remote controller' is located on... err, what do you say, something where you rest your hands on.. on buses, or maybe airplanes.

When we got there, I don't know what time is it, but I think it's eleven past. Rose's auntie came to us; we're currently waiting for Rose's friends to come here and then Rose's auntie will escort us to where we will stay. Rose told me she was her father's cousin; oh well I don't want to write a long title so I'll just say aunt.

We stayed in Jingmei (景美), and we stayed in... I don't know but my guess is, Rose's aunt's parents in law. I don't really get it because when Rose explained I didn't really get it.. well it's complicated.. filled with ...'s ...'s. @__@

Although it was twelve past when we got to the house, we took a bath. Being me, I wouldn't want to sleep in a sweaty condition and unwashed hair... sometimes I do if it's too late but for this case, well I made the decision to take a bath after all. Then I dried my hair. Some time later, I went to sleep.

I didn't like the bathroom here. IT'S FILLED WITH DUST. Well I guess it hasn't been used in a looong time. That day I haven't known that this house is what I had guessed to be Rose's aunt's parents in law so I thought the children must have grown up already. The room I slept at was an artsy girl, I guessed. She had a drawing of a flower on a paper, painted beautifully. Maybe with watercolor. And then, a photo of a rose on driftwood, and an ad? Don't know, but it's something about Laforet in Harajuku. The shelf was full of books, and I saw books like; braiding hair, long hair design and such. Reminded me of my sis Valencia =P

Continue with the bathroom; I took a bath first so I was the one who took the first glance of the bathroom. It had a spider; and I don't want to feel uneasy so I gave the spider water and then drowned it to the hole; sorry mr. spider. -_-"

I slept at 1.20 something; and I woke up at 6.20 (I slept again till 7). Took a quick shower, and then got ready for going out. We're going to go back at night so we had to be prepared with things like umbrella, water bottle, tissues, handphone, music player if needed (as for me, my iPod's battery was only a small bit of red so I didn't bring) and maybe personal needs.