Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trip day 2

I got a blister, so I decided to use my sport shoe. I don't know if it's actually a sport shoe though; well at least it's thicker so it might relieve some pain...

Like yesterday, I filled my bottle with water at home. Did I mention this in the blog on day 1? If no, oh well. Our breakfast is Danbing again. Yum.

We are going to take a bus; and while waiting for it we ate our breakfast. Our destination is Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. We passed the 101 (-_-). We got off at a station, and then there was this chair that looks like a wheelchair; I took a picture with me on it <3

MY BOTTLE DIED. Why was it broken? Because it was full of water, and it fell from my hand to the ground, resulting in the plastic cracking. Drat drat drat. I didn't think about that for now. Off we go to the memorial hall~

It has stamps too; a lot of it. I took many pictures and looked around. Here also has a water dispenser; oh how comfortable. Oh yeah, I missed the guard guarding the bronze statue. It's called an honor guard; army, navy and air force take turns guarding the statue as a form of respect. They change every hour.

Ah yes, I realized that I got my monthly today. Perfect. Luckily I brought extra panties and also some pads; and that day I was wearing white.. fortunately it didn't make a visible stain. I stamped and stamped, and took pics. We also went to the gift shop.

Lotsa merchandises; I bought three postcards due to the price.. oh well. I don't want to spend so much money now... I still have a day to go. There's this beautifully painted thing; with women in unique clothing... Egypt I think. I loove it but well, how am I supposed to take care of it with still so many months to go here? I'm going to a trip to Taipei in January, and well, hopefully we'll go here again? --"

During the guards' shift change, everyone immediately prepared their handycams; or in my case, camera. I wanted to video them, however they're taking so long it ate a big portion of the remaining memory. I wanted to delete it RIGHT after I read the memory card. Or, until I buy another memory card. I videoed them but it's incomplete as they're taking so long.

Now my handphone will be an alternative to the camera. Oh well. I bought a bottle of water since my water bottle died. Now, we are going to 101. We are only window shopping of course; though some brands made me kind of.. drool :p we ate lunch here. Some are big and expensive (I'd say reasonable) and some are small but expensive. In my case, maybe it's considered the small yet expensive. If here has Indonesian food I'll definitely come to that resto. I miss Indonesian food!

I saw this wonderful chandeliers in Dolce & Gabbana. Me and my host sister wanted to take a pic of it but the people noticed. Grr. And I wanted to take a pic of it T_T oh well. I didn't push the button after all. Ah yes, after we ate lunch Ci Ya wanted to see a live performance of... Prince of Tennis? Says there're Japanese actors, so well, I suppose it's right. So it's only me, Rose and Xuan now.

I HATE THE MY MONTHLY. CURSE 月經. It makes me so tired. I don't feel like walking much. We were just window shopping but it also includes walking. Oh well... There's a bridge connecting 101 with a mall named New York New York. I didn't have the mood to buy, or even observe the products... I just see and see.

Then we went to a store named MUJI. It sells sofas, beds, stationeries, snacks, etc. But also expensive. Afterwards we went to a store selling cute things; but still expensive. Hhh.. all expensive.. tralalala. I don't know when converted to Rupiah or other currencies but in my eyes they're expensive. And I don't want to bring heavy things --"

Tired, we went downstairs and sat outside. Rose ate her snack, while I was just resting. My feet hurt like hell. Is it because my feet is so small? I'm tall and big after all... maybe it's because of the pressure. It's just my theory though.

After that, we went to a place where something is currently being held. When we got there a group of dancers from Taipei University performed. I watched; and then the second one was three dancers with... I can't really explain. Dandy, or Jack-O-Lantern-ish clothing. --?

And then, I saw a crowd of people, and people holding a big camera. Rose said it's a star. When I saw her, I recognized it immediately. She was the star of that drama I sometimes watch! I like her to be with the eldest brother <3 now ="3">

I took some pictures of her, unfortunately none of the pics have her staring into my camera. Hehehehe. She is SO pretty. MUCH prettier than the one in the TV. I don't know why..

Her manager seemed to be a busybody-kind of person. That's how I read her though.. seeing how she acts.. well a typical manager.. I think?

She went to somewhere I don't know, and so we went back to 101. To Watsons and Seven Eleven. I bought my lens drops in Watsons since my old lens drops has already gone through its due date. Talking about soft lenses, I haven't worn them for how long.. since last Thursday. I brought my lenses with me, but I didn't like the bathroom and it didn't even have a hand soap. Okay, I'm not gonna risk my eyes.

In 7-11, I bought four Open-Jiang stickers (I'm a sticker collector) and an apple juice. Then we sat outside of 101, since hell no if we walk all the time. Some time after, we went back inside for the toilet, and then I wanted to buy snacks from 7-11. I bought a Cheetos and a Doritos. Not really expensive since they're the ones made in Taiwan.

It turned out that Ci Ya had finished. Oh yeah, I shouldn't have bought those snacks. --" We waited for a while and then Ci Ya came. The plan now is to go somewhere to buy a memory card for me, but since we can't find the bus to go there we canceled the plan.

Now, Ci Ya's friend joined us. Rose told me she's a Taipei girl but she is not familiar with Taipei. Xuan asked a similar question she asked to Ci Ya yesterday; I didn't hear the question but Ci Ya's friend (whose name later I knew was 小夜 Xiao Ye) said 台北人啊 (I'm not sure if it's this a or no) but well, it literally means I'm a Taipei people lah in a fun way.

We walked towards the subway station. It's kind of far, and we needed the assistance of a woman LOL. Rose said Xuan brought a GPS but she is too lazy to use it. LOL. Aww, I didn't get a 101 pic at night. So sad. Oh well, next time to Taipei! OH TRIPP..

We went to Ximen. It's really a shopping place. VERY CROWDED. But the shopping here is fun I think. It's not as narrow as the one in Houshanpi yesterday. The number of people here wins though; to me. Thanks to my monthly I don't really have the mood. GRR. And it was such a good chance. GRAOOO. Karma to me.

I visited two anime shops. I looked for Katekyo Hitman Reborn ones; I knew 丫頭 would like it. Hehe. At the first shop I only bought a Death Note file, and then a small case with the mascot of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, the small thing. I forgot his name; Reborn? Mind me, I'm not a fan.

Then Xiao Ye, Ci Ya and me went to the next shop; I bought some things here. Xiao Ye met her friends; whom I thought were her friends here. They talked in front of the shop; while I waited at the seat nearby. Yes, I'm tired. Very. My stamina, which is already low, had been lowered again by my monthly.

I ate my Cheetos only for the purpose of finishing it, however they finished first before I could finish. I felt like it has sooo many inside. Well... oh yeah, I saw a big cockroach, well.. not that I like it, but it was struggling for life. I hate insects. I have a certain grudge for any kind of them, innocent or not. Unfair, yes, but I don't know why myself. But as I saw it from afar, I felt some kind of pity. Its legs were trembling; signifying that he's struggling. He avoided people's feet and tried to climb a pillar or something. I don't understand, but well... seeing it makes me think. They also have life and sometimes I feel the grudge and disgust and just want to get rid of them so they won't disturb me. Oh egoistical me.

Before I was able to finish my Cheetos, Ci Ya came to me saying we want to go somewhere else. We walked, tralalala. When suddenly we heard people screaming. People who sold things on the road were chased away by the police, though some still stayed selling. They screamed because they saw the security, and guess what first came into my mind?

Strange creature. Scary ones, that threaten the things they sell. Well they brought their cart with them so I thought so.

I ran to the sidewalk out of shock. Then I saw a security, and I guessed that they ran because of him. Maybe my thought was half right but I didn't imagine a security at all. :p Maybe these are the effects of reading too much horror.. oh well.

I saw people packing their things. I asked Ci Ya, 不可以嗎? (Is it not allowed?) then Ci Ya said not allowed (in Chinese). I see. Well, can't blame them. They want to look for a living.

I get the feeling that life in Taipei is much more stressful than in Tainan. I just thought that because SOOO MANY people smoke here, life is so stressful. School, work, and maybe other things. And here is the capital. It seemed like every corner would have someone holding a cigarette, and I hate it.

We continued to walk. They wanted to go to a department store; and I asked do they have something like McD or something so I can sit while they shop. Xiao Ye said she thinks there isn't any. Then Ci Ya borrowed her phone to call Rose (or maybe Xuan, I don't know). She says we'll meet at the subway station to go to the Night Market and have dinner.

We went to Jiantan, where the Shilin Night Market resides. IT'S DAMN CROWDED. Like, all of the road going inside, and also the inside... they're full of people. We ate dinner in a teppanyaki something shop. But we didn't eat teppanyaki, like I shared two plates of chicken with Xuan and Rose, and also two plates of vegetables. Then we went to a place where they sell accessories, and then the next was bag shop.

Discount; 290 for one and 500 for two. I was thinking of buying one because I had bought some things and I don't think my pink bag would fit; even the clothes only had made the bag hard to zip..... then out of the blue a lady asked me in Chinese if I wanted to buy one so we can buy together. I didn't understand and then Rose translated it for me. YAY. My hidden intentions had been fulfilled LOL. I wanted to buy but if for two, I think it's too many. And here comes luck LOL.

So, I paid 250 and she paid 250 too. Yays.

Then we went to some other place, because Xiao Ye's friends wanted to go somewhere else. Rose, me and Xuan sat on the staircase opposite of the place they went to. I can't stand really crowded places. I chatted with Rose and Xuan. Rose told me that Xiao Ye's friends were from Hong Kong. Oh my god, and I had made them change plans and not go to the department store... oh well. Passed already. Xuan asked me if I want to buy the funny-voice turkey we saw in Danshui. I said I want it, but then she said we can buy it in Tainan. Okay then. I don't want to add to my luggage :)

Some time after, Xiao Ye and Ci Ya came to us. Xiao Ye's friends still want to go and see, so we can go home first. We separated ways before the subway, and bid bye bye to Xiao Ye. GO HOMEEEE. YAY. At home, I bathed first again; I always get the first turn :D after me was Rose or Xuan I don't know, then Ci Ya is the last. Xuan told me that Ci Ya is a clean lover. She washes her hand after she does everything.

Makes sense.. I didn't mention it before but I saw her washing her hands a couple of times at 101's toilet. I was confused; she also said that she doesn't like the tissue here to dry her hands. --? Oh yeah, speaking of toilets; 101's weren't that good. I prefer Senayan City or Pondok Indah Mall's toilets; cleaner I think. BUT, HK AIRPORT WINS ALL THE WAAAY. It's got disinfectant to clean the place where people sit. I give thumbs up for that ;)

Xuan also told me, the reason why she always takes a long time in the toilet is because she washes her clothes too. Well, seeing the toilet here I would prefer washing them at my home; in my case, host fam's home. I tend to be sensitive about toilets. I like clean, clean ones. I hate dust. DUST IS THE WORST THING EVER.

Actually I hated dust ever since I wore contact lenses... I felt the need to have my hands really clean all the time while wanting to apply contact lenses to my eyes.. well. I got this damn experience where I used tissue to dry my hands but... the tissue remains stayed in my palms and got into my contact lenses. Oh I hate it so much. Cause it itches. A LOT.

I slept late again...