Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 3 - Papaniu!

I remembered. Yesterday, when I was repairing the position of my bottom retainer, my finger caught a dead ant. From MY MOUTH. Inside I'm actually freaked out but why the hell should I scream. It's not in a comic LOL. I suspect the ants came to my glass that I use when brushing my teeth, so I became more cautious and checked the glass every time I want to brush my teeth. Until now, I haven't got a second case.

Today I woke up at around 7.20, but I was kinda sleepy so, as usual I didn't get out from the room and instead I'm just lying on the bed, but not sleeping. At 8 I got out from my room and did my morning daily basis; opening my retainer, washing my face and then pee. Afterwards I went downstairs. I saw my home ba (read: pa as in papa) so I said zao(3) an and he replied the same. He was watching baseball at the meantime, and he told me the Chinese word for baseball. Says that baseball is very popular in Taiwan. At first I heard like, ban qiao or something but when I checked my English-Chinese dictionary it turned out to be different. LOL.

Shortly after my home ba says he wants to go to his office. When he says shang(4) ban(1), which means go to work... well, my brain didn't register what he said and a little while later I finally realized when he says he wants to go to the office. Lol. My home ma has gone to work already, so I play the computer and reply my e-mails. Then my host sister, Rose, woke up. She cleaned the home a little and then asked me if I want to go now. I finished my last reply to an email and then I went to buy breakfast like usual. Unlike in Indonesia, usually I buy breakfast because I'm free. My fave is Dambing (4/1 if I'm not wrong), but I don't know how to explain that. For today I bought that, 2 portions because I like it so much. LOL. But I became too full. -__-

I also bought a snack and a lemon tea from 7-11 before going home. When I reached home I immediately ate the delicious thing. I took chopsticks from the kitchen and when I finished eating, as usual I washed it and put it inside the umm... I don't know how to say but it's like a small fridge, but not a fridge and it functions to dry washed dishes, chopsticks, bowls, etc.

Afterwards, I asked if I could watch Casino Royale. Bored, rather than playing computer all the time why not watch DVDs. Okay, then I enjoyed watching the film by eating my snack and drinking the lemon tea; both that I bought in 7-11. In the middle of the film, I wanted to pee so I went upstairs and then took my Betadine and cotton (because I forgot where my cotton bud is) downstairs. Rose asked me if I was hurt and I said it was the injury because of my shoe. Then I asked if she has cotton buds because it's easier using that rather than using normal cottons. After I put Betadine on my injury, I put a plaster on.

Later when I finished watching, I put the CD back in place. I took my things and put them in my room upstairs, and then brought my diary and a pen downstairs. I went downstairs to play computer, and then I checked my e-mail again. Mom had replied my mail already. She told me to try mu gua niunai. Papaya juice with milk. Mom said it's very popular in Taiwan. So, I asked Rose. She said there's one nearby. So if I want to go she can accompany me later. Ok then, I said later. Oh yeah, I also checked my facebook. And also I asked Rose to put my Nokia Cable Connector in the USB port behind the system unit (the front ones are all occupied). However, when I connected my handphone to store images....


I made the same mistake again. When I was still in Indonesia, I used my father's laptop and I did the same thing, and forgot I needed Nokia PC Suite. Well, my computer has that so I didn't worry. And now I gotta download it. -_______________-

For lunch, Rose made dumplings. Simple frozen pork dumplings that only need hot water to boil them and make them edible. DELICIOUS. Maybe I shouldn't have asked for only 5...

Afterwards I wrote my diary again. Rose was watching a Japanese film in a DVD she borrowed from her friend, telling about six rich teens who did an investigation or something because they're bored... yeah being too rich made them bored because they have nothing to do. Actually I don't get the whole point, but they seem to be trying to make someone, maybe politically evil or is someone with a strong influence in the market or something like that, get captured for his evil deeds. This kinda remind me of Special A, but it's different because the teens are all rich kids while in Special A one is not a rich kid.. hehehe.

Later I went with Rose to look for mu gua(papaya) niunai, or simply PAPANIU. On the way to papaniu, we passed by a stationery shop, which my host parents told Rose to take me to. I like stationery shops, so of course I agreed to go in. I bought 2 pens, each costing 8 NT$, letter papers with Wan Wan (maybe it's spelled like this) on it, a small smiling Goddess Kwan Im for my momma, and.... a Wan Wan stamp. But with no ink. And because I don't know, I didn't buy the ink. I thought it had ink, but it had no ink. LOL. Buying a stamp with no ink. -__-

Okay, so I'm finished with the stationery store. I've found a new favorite; Wan Wan's character! It's soooo cute. I just love it. I'll draw it sometime. After some walking, we finally got to papaniu store. One costs 45 NT$ and I bought one. Rose bought one umm..., don't know how to say it, but for anyone who knows Quickly drinks, yeah it's like that. I didn't drink my papaniu on the way home because I wanted to take pictures. I've took picture of a dumpling Rose made for our lunch, and now I'm going to take a picture of my newly bought papaniu!

Yesh, I took one. Then I drank it. .... IT AIN'T TASTY. Well I never really liked papayas but well, I can try. LOL. I talked a lot today with Rose, and my papaniu is some kind of abandoned. LOL. But later on I continued to drink it. I didn't finish though. It wasn't that good... well for ME. HAHAHAHA.

Because the rubbish bins here are recyclable and non recyclable, I threw the remaining juice (because Rose doesn't like it too) and then put it inside the recyclable bin. I tried my stamp, but it doesn't work. Well, it doesn't have ink. Of course it doesn't work. But I didn't know and Rose was having a phone call at that time. I tried to open the bottom. HEHE. But I saw it was all glue so I think it wouldn't be that way. Once Rose finished the phone call, she told me I needed ink. Okay. LOL.

I said I wanted to take a bath, but I wanted to start writing a letter for my parents. So, my bath plan was cancelled for some time, until home ma came home and told me we will go out for dinner. Actually Rose had finished but I still wanted to continue my letter. When home ma said that, well... I took a bath immediately LOL. Because I thought time is already running out. HAHA.

Having not opened my hair dryer and having not asked my host parents yet if I could use my 120V hair dryer here or not, I used my microfiber towel to dry my hair. It's faster that way because the microfiber towel doesn't get that wet even when used to wet hair.

It's still half-dry and then I went downstairs. Home ma says home ba will get us in ten minutes. Aiya. Okay then, I prepared my things, like my wallet and handphone and then took my shoes. And then off we go. We meet home ba in the edge of the road in the T-junction left of the apartment.

We are going to go to a hot plate restaurant. It seems we have company there, who are home ba's coworkers. Then I was asked to say hello to them. Even after learning basics of Mandarin, I'm still a beginner at all. I was already right saying Nin (2) hao (3), but they're not only one. They're more than one. So it should be... Ninmen? Tralalalala~

For the main menu I chose chicken steak on hot plate. Then I took fried rice, some veggies and a piece of something like tofu. Afterwards I took some pieces of mango and a banana. Before finishing my last pieces of mango, the menu I ordered came. So I ate it first.

After everyone else came home already, we got back in the car to go. I thought we were going home, but somehow my mind tells me this is not the way home. HAHA. How would I even know we're going home or not. But it turned out right. LOL.

We're going to my third family's house, which is also my counsellor's house. His house is quite nice, and he has a big TV! HAHAHHAHA. Home ba & ma talked for some time, I ate a small banana and drank a glass of yoghurt. Rose found an OPEN (7-11 mascot) doll, and showed it to me. My counsellor said it is his daughter's. Later when we are going to go home, my third home ma gave the doll to me. YAYY. MY DEAR OPEN-CHAN.

After that we went home. Eh wait, home ba stopped at one point to meet with someone, and then went to some place where we choose food and then it will be cooked or put in a soup. We bought some and then went home. Today I slept quite late because I need to finish my letters for Pho-Pho (grandma), my aunt in Bekasi, and for my mama papa. Hehehehe. Cos tomorrow we're going to the post office (it's weekend so home ba & ma doesn't have work).

After finishing on my diary, I went to sleep. Tralalal~