Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 4 - First Weekend

Today in the morning I talked about money I need to pay to the host club, the money I want to deposit, and etc etc. Because I'm not 18 years old yet, I can't open a bank account. -___-

I woke up at around eight o' clock in the morning (of course). This morning home ma came to the market and when I woke up she is still in the market. When she got home I also asked where is the envelope, so I can wrap my letters. They're finished. Hehehe.

One thing, I forgot to give my parents the papers they needed to sign. Some kind of rules acceptance. Oh man, I hope they won't get angry, cos a copy is also fine. It doesn't have to be real, but maybe blue ink will do.

Today's breakfast is NICE. Home ba and ma knew I liked dambing because Rose told them, so they brought me to a place where there is a bigger dambing. If on foot of course it's very far, well even it takes some time to reach with car. The dambing was WONDERFUL. Also, the sauce. Oh I love you, SPICY.

After we ate breakfast, we went to a shop selling... umm I don't know how to say. Home ma bought something and then we went to the post office to post my mails. I forgot how much it cost, but it's cheap. On the way home, we passed a 7-11. Rose wanted to pay for something, and I bought an apple juice.

Then we went home. Rose played the computer, and so I watch the DVD. Today I chose NORBIT. Well, the woman is indeed VERY SCARY. Oh Rasputia. LOL.

In the middle of the film, home ma brought prawns. We just peel off the skin and then eat. Wow, it's delicious and it's fresh! However, I got a small wound. The skin tore my skin a little... well. It's only a small wound so it's okay.

I said home ma bought something I didn't know how to say, right? Well they told me to try. So far, they know some about me:


I don't know if there are other things. About food though. HEHEHE. But the thing doesn't taste good. It's black pepper and green onion. Tastes strange. Because I bit it and I didn't want it any more, I asked home ma if she could use a knife to separate the part where I bit and where I didn't bite. Even though my host parents said it's okay, I still feel kind of... guilty. They bought it for me and yet, I somehow didn't appreciate. I tried, but well...... okay nvm that.

After we're finished on watching NORBIT, we watch TV. I forgot if it's drama or a variety show. But I was sleepy and I fell asleep. When I woke up I was like, all sweaty. Well here is humid so it's normal. I just don't like how it feels. LOL.

I thought home ba was using the computer so I just took my things and went upstairs. I was staying in my host brother's room and he's now in Brazil, and I saw that he has some comic collections. I saw a BLEACH comic, and although I don't understand a thing, I just read that while eating my corn snack. Just to kill time.

Finished eating and even more bored, I went downstairs. I saw home ma is cooking a fish that smelt wonderful, and I said I had nothing to do. They were very kind to me, so they usually tell me I don't have to do many things. Although I offered help sometimes =D

Then I walked towards the computer room. Home ba says if I want to use the computer then okay. Of course I took the offer. LOL. I opened my e-mail inbox. Mom asked about ARC. When I was about to ask them, they opened the door and went out. Baad timing.

So I just spent time on MSN, e-mail, friendster, and blogspot. I chatted a lot with Jejo, and then later on with my fellow YEP to Taiwan, Victor. Today, Gobind's wise words came into use. (HAIL GOBIND VASH DEV!) LOL. For something. Hehehehe.

Everything in this world is neutral until someone gives a meaning to it, either positive or negative.

I always kept that in my mind. Hehehehe. That guy really is impressive.

When I played with blogspot, I thought of deleting my other blog. Fifteen Life. Well, I don't think I'll write a lot more, so I thought I'd delete it. But I worked hard on it, and there's a story, well teens! Teens fall in love too LOL. I wanted to tell about another of my historical day but well, I'll just keep it in my diary. LOL.

But now I think I can use that blog to write what differences do I meet, between Tainan and Jakarta. Also Taiwan and Indonesia :)

Later on, I stopped the chatting because dinner is ready. Today I learned turn off and turn on the lights. Kai and guan? Dunno LOL.

While eating dinner, we were watching a variety show. Today's dinner is the fish home ma cooked earlier, and it was really tasty! Oh yeah, the variety show consists of WONDERFUL TALENTED ppl. LOL. The one that was crazy was the one with a rubber body. Omg, I can't even imagine how her internal organs would... bend? Hahaha. Can't explain it well, but well, that girl's body was WOW. So rubber. HEHEHEHE.

Another one is the winner of weight-lifting in Beijing Olympics. She's like only about 48 kgs or something, and she can lift a 112 kg weight. What kind of power is that?!?!?! I can't even pick up my 28 kg kilos when I'm much heavier than that. When I was in baggage claim, my luggage pulled me, not I pull my luggage because I wasn't strong enough! LOL!

Then we watched another variety show. First one I don't know how to explain, I guess you have to make words by the last syllable of the word that a previous player gives. Second, it's like guessing words, and first, there are cards. 2 of them has a skull picture on the back, and it means you have to either guess or give clues... I don't know what makes you clue-giver and what makes you guesser. Anyways, there're two singers... well I think they're singers cos they sing a little and then be a normal contestant. It was kind of funny because one of them had to be sealed with a tape because his hand could not stop moving and body language is not allowed as a clue. LOL.

Later at night we went to the big university. I don't know the name, but because it has big yards, many people use it as a place to exercise; walking or running, or maybe cycling. We parked the car outside the university and then went inside to take a walk.

When we got home, I immediately showered. But before that, I asked if I could use my hair dryer here. Home ba says that I can use it for a short time only because the voltages doesn't match. Then Rose gave me one and put it in my room. After I showered I dried my hair, and then I wrote my diary. I think I asked for my clothes, are they dry already or not? And then home ma gave me. It felt awkward when you touch them (my clothes). At first I thought it's because of the humid weather, but later I found out it's because it hasn't been ironed yet. -_____-

And then I went to sleep. Lalala~