Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 7 - New environment

I think this will be the final daily post. LOL. It's gonna be hard if I have to update daily when I'm not. Okay, so yesterday was only half day and full-misa+opening ceremony. First day and I'm late! Dx

There was a female security waiting on the gate and I'm kinda afraid of what will I get as a punishment. When she asked me, I didn't understand and luckily home ma hasn't gone away yet. Understanding I am the exchange student, she let me through, although guilt and embarrassment still lingers inside me. -___-

I went to my classroom upstairs and found my classroom door closed. My heart says OH NO. What am I gonna do now? Barge in? No, that's not something I can do. The curtains were closed so my classmates can't see me outside. However, Patty's classroom is open and her homeroom teacher, who saw me yesterday, walked towards me and explained that today and tomorrow, the students are having tests, so if I want to go to the library it's fine. I asked where Patty is, and she said that Patty had went downstairs to the Vice Principal's office. And so, I went to the Vice Principal's office too.

I passed the room but I didn't see her. Maybe she didn't see me too; well bad timing. I talked with her a little, and then the Vice Principal came and then led us to the library, where we stayed until lunch. When I was still in the Vice Principal's office, there's a woman named You laoshi, who asked me in Mandarin. I get the point cos there are some keywords that I understand; 李(li/3) 先(xian/1)生(sheng/1)
and 家(jia/1) and so I just nodded, not knowing how to answer even though it's just a simple 是(shi/4). And after that she said something, I don't understand and well, she said it's okay. Later I found that You laoshi is a long-time(i think) acquaintance of home ba. They talk a lot about the inbound students. I see.

Inside the library, we were given a PDF file containing Mandarin lessons; daily conversations and new words and others. There is an Indonesia-Mandarin PDF file but I said English-Mandarin is okay. And so, the woman, named Sunny made a shortcut in the desktop so I can easily find it. However, the second time I opened the computer it was gone so I had to look it for myself. There was some trouble opening the Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional so I took a glance at the location. LOL. That's how I found the location later on.

Patty didn't bring a lunch box, and so the Vice Principal took us to a canteen/cafeteria downstairs (it was hot down there.. -_-") and then a woman gave a (I don't know th exact english word, but it's like a lunch plate, but not shaped like a normal round plate... instead it has valleys(?) where you put rice and other food... oh well, out with the explanations. I can't explain really well). I had a lunch box but well, to me it seemed empty but I understood once I ate lunch. Here the school prepares the lunch for the students and teachers, and students are not allowed to eat lunch other than in school except for acceptable reasons.

Afterwards we went upstairs. When I first entered the class I was... umm... confused of who to ask. I just asked is this my class? (seemed stupid) and then a girl asked something in Mandarin but I heard my homeroom teacher, Chen laoshi's name so I nodded and said yes. I was still standing near the entrance and I was saying hi and hi. There's this one girl who just entered the room and I said hi to her. She was with one of her friends. She is very very cute and I like cute things xD her voice is also very cute, just like her XD.

The first classmates that I see is Penny, Pan the class rep, Julia the cute girl, and a girl I don't know the name yet, however I remember because she resembles a senior I once resented back when I was still in my high school in Jakarta. But their personalities are clearly different.

Anyways, I ate lunch and this first time Chen laoshi took the food for me. I didn't really like the food today, and so I didn't finish it. Oh yeah, they also asked me if I can join their P.E class later. I said that I don't have the sports wear yet but they said it's ok. Okay then. However, I forgot my stomach hurts because of damn period. -___- After lunch, Julia and Penny helped me bring my table to the class. It's really hot in Taiwan and I sweat damn lot. When I got into the class, I was wondering why are the curtains closed, and they seem to be sleeping. They have naptime after lunch. How cool, but the uncool is that you go home later because if they don't have naptime we'd go home sooner.

After the bell rang, some woke up, and some still asleep. When the second bell rang, they all woke up to prepare for the test and then when the teacher came I went out. They're going to have a test and I won't have any clue of what is the question, or maybe how do I write the answers here. LOL. When I wanted to go downstairs, I asked a random C203 student where is Patty, and she said Patty's still in the room so I just went downstairs.

Believing that eating inside a room is a no-no, I sat on a bench and ate my breakfast (?). Well the sandwich home ma bought for me before school... I didn't eat it because I was in the library the whole time until lunch. LOL. Actually I can go out and eat first but it didn't pop in my mind cos I was still shy, being in my first day of school. Yesterday was the first but it's only an opening so I'd say it's school day. But today's the first day of school. (??)

Patty said she wanted to brush her teeth so she can put her retainer back. We went to the canteen first cos I said I wanted to buy a drink and then we just sat randomly. It turned out we sat right in front of a toilet. LOL. It's not for students but well, she's only brushing her teeth so I said, just pretend you're a guest LOL.

I forgot when, but the Vice Principal showed us to the gym, and then there's this female teacher who really looked like a man. I first thought she was a man. LOL. Said that we can use the treadmills but not the second one because it's faster. Okay, thank you! =D

I also met my homeroom teacher, but I forgot what for. I think it's about the P.E. class I'm going to attend later. She needed the help of a teacher who's good in English, well I think she's an English teacher but I don't know. LOL.

And then Patty and me were back in the library. She talked about her friends on Myspace, and etc etc. Even,,, ehehe. Oh yeah, her cousin who is really cute! I don't usually like kids sometimes but he's cute! Especially the one with him girl style (he wanted it). Cuter. LOL. Also, a classmate of Patty named Vivien, came to the library. Her English is pretty good and it's her fave subject. No wonder. =D then we became good friends because she came to the library kinda often after that, but now not any more since Patty and me don't hang in the library for that long any more.

When I was about to go to my class, I saw that Penny, Julia and one other student which I don't remember, are already in the library. I took Patty along cos she's all good with it. Okay. Off we go to the P.E. class!

First I saw the handsome female teacher I saw in the gym earlier. I thought it was my class but it turned out it wasn't. I was kinda embarrassed though. LOL. My P.E. teacher is also handsome. LOL. Tall, short-haired, and... umm... better not say it. It's gonna be a sin LOL.

I saw Wewe! LOL. She was also having a P.E. class. To begin the P.E. class, as usual we did warm-ups but I didn't really join in. After that the other girls played, while Patty and me are walking on the circuit. Hahaha. Then a group of girls said hello to us and so we said hello back. It was fun and I despise the time for flying so fast. They asked Patty if she has a boyfriend (;D) and I just laughed, forming an X with my index fingers but she told me to keep quiet. HAHA. The thing I remember was when Jady, a classmate of mine asked if Patty or me knew Taiwanese stars. I was blank for a while, and then one popped into my brain. WANG LEE HOM (Wang Lihong in Chinese) and they all squealed. LOL. I just laughed. Jay Chou doesn't seem to be very well-known here... Their reaction wasn't that extreme, just normal. LOL.

I got some of my classmates' email and phone numbers, as well as their Chinese names. Hehehe. After this, my class still has math class, and I chose to wait inside the Vice Principal's office. Julia escorted me there and then went back to her class after escorting me. Then I tried to message home ma. Then it said message delivery failure. I checked my phonebook if home ba wrote something wrong. By my calculations, I should still have around twenty six NT$, and a local message would be fine. I'm confused. Later, around six o'clock the Vice Principal said she's going to have a meeting but if I want to wait here it's okay. I'm better outside than alone, dunno why. Once I got outside, home ma called. Great timing. Then the Vice Principal escorted me to the gate before going to the meeting.

Before going home I asked if we could stop at a 7-11 cos I wanted to buy a recharge voucher. There's only 300 and 500 so I just bought 300. And I wanted to limit myself. -__- oh well. Afterwards we went home. The TV broke down. Oh no! My daily excitement... usually if I'm bored I just watch TV although I don't understand what they say. Oh dramaa.

Later I went to Poya with Rose, to buy white socks and then the powder bowl I've been looking for. Yesh, I found them. LOL. I also met Patty's third host sister, who exchanged to Colombia. By Colombia I remember that Patty said she's her fave host sis. XD

There's a clothing shop next to Poya, and so I looked if I can find shorts that I can wear to school before I get my uniform. The sizes here are smaller than in Indonesia, and so because of my wide hips none fit me. T_T oh well, I gave up and then went home with a juice. (I bought one)

We also went to a supermarket that has cheaper prices than Poya, to buy a chocolate jam for me. I ended up choosing Nesquik cause I don't really like peanut butter spread. However, Nesquik is meant for milk and ice creams and etc and I don't think bread's a good choice. LOL. Anyways, Rose bought them for me. =)

Reaching home, I put my footwear inside the rack and went upstairs. Home ba seems to be studying, and then I asked home ma if my clothes had dried already. Yes, they have, and so I waited home ma to iron them and sat on the floor. I forgot to turn of my room lamp because of that. LOL. Home ba also offered if I want to go to a swimming pool, he has many tickets and entry fees are 25 NT$, and the other one is 50 NT$ if I'm not wrong. I also asked home ba if there's a charger compatible with my camera here that I can buy. He said he'll look for it.

I sweat so much today. -__- And then after putting the dried clothes in my wardrobe, I took a bath. Afterwards I was planning to dry my hair but Rose called, asking me to see which one do I prefer to buy. The prices shouldn't be too expensive when in Rupiah, for electronics, but I'm currently short on money =D hehehe. The cameras here are usually 40B, and mine's 42B. Later on, Rose looked for her camera if her battery is compatible with mine. First I just put it in without knowing the correct way to put it in. At first it was too big and didn't fit. I was already worried. If it's not compatible, I'll have to buy. Oh no. Then I tried another way. Still no. Fits but the camera won't turn on. OH NOO. Then a 'brilliant' idea popped.

Oh yeah! My battery has arrows showing which way is positive and negative. Rose's battery was all black and no arrows to guide you. LOL. With the similar details of the battery, I put it in and my camera turned on!

YES! For these three months, I can use Rose's charger. But later.. well mom's going to give me some things after all xD

I used the computer even after the battery thing is finished, and sent mom an e-mail. At 11.20 or 30 I went to bed. Aw. Luckily I brushed my teeth already and put my retainers on. =)