Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 6 - First school day

It's finally time to go to school. Aww I wished it would be longer xD

I woke up with a pretty strange dream but the notes are in my cellphone. I sometimes write details of my dreams on my cellphone if I remember them. However I have to write it immediately after I wake up, or else I'll forget. Usually it's like that but I have unexplainable images too inside my brain LOL.
I felt pretty cold, so I snuggled up the blanket to cover my lower part. I don't usually open the blanket cos it's big, and too much hassle if I must fold it every morning. LOL. I'm still a lazy girl here. Hehehehe.
I fell asleep. Oh no! It was already 6.50 and I'm supposed to be at school at 7.30. I took off my retainers and had a bread for breakfast before I went back to my room to take my clothes and then take a quick shower. One thing I forgot - HAIRBOW. I wasn't planning to wash my hair in the morning but I already took my clothes off so, oh well. I'm the kind to find a way in times like this so I just did my best so that my hair won't get wet.

As usual, I'm a forgetful person. I forgot my bottle of water and I forgot my socks. Quickly taking those from my room, I then said bye bye home ma before exiting the apartment with my home ba. In around ten minutes I reached school and as I saw in the internet, the uniform is like sailor uniform. I was supposed to be late already but I think I wasn't. Patty hasn't arrived either... hehehehe
I went to the Vice Principal's Office with my home ba, and then I sat, waiting for further news. Then I was told to go out and meet my Chinese teacher, Wu laoshi. She's with the Principal at that moment and I just said nin hao (although barely audible) and listened with a smile plastered on my face. LOL.

Moments later I saw Patty from afar with her host sister. I forgot if the Principal did some introductions of Patty to my Chinese teacher, but afterwards Patty and me waited in the vice principal's office. Later Patty's homeroom teacher and 2 students came. One of the student's name is Jessica and the other one didn't say her name. Patty left first then. I wondered, where is my homeroom teacher. She didn't come and later I went to the auditorium with the vice principal.
When I came the misa already started. I don't know if that's also an English word but they called it so, and so do Indonesian. I took a seat next to Patty and then we just followed the whole thing without understanding anything they're saying LOL. Once it's Vice Principal's time to give speech, shortly after Patty and me are told to go onstage.

Patty told me to go first (cruel! but oh well.. hahaha) and then I did. Nervous, I only did a simple opening with full english. Afterwards were applauses from every corner of the room. Maybe I should have added a little Mandarin to show people what effort I'm giving on learning Chinese but oh well, I'm a shy person after all xD
When it's Patty's turn, she was very funny! She cheerfully said Ni hao, wo shi Patty (that's the only thing I remembered) and some more introductions. By reading her journal, she heard people saying aww, and she's so cute. Well I do think so too xD although I wished I could be more brave hehehehe...

And then we walked down to go back to our seats. Somehow I think the introduction made people notice Patty more than me, well I am shy LOL.

After the loooong ceremony + misa is over, we are allowed to go back home. No school hours, just misa + ceremony with a bunch of speeches. Patty's house is closer so she went back home immediately with her bike. I called my home ba but at first he was on the line (I had Jessica help me) and then I just messaged him. Later he called and said he is on the way.

While waiting, I asked Jessica a few questions regarding the shoes that we can wear, the socks, and undershirt. Hehe. Then I saw Wewe come to the vice principal's office. Jessica left shortly after I finished questioning her. Wewe then showed me to her class, and to my class. After that we went to the gate, and then at 11.29 she had something to do, so I waited on the gate alone. I waited for home ba, and then he arrived at around 12.40.

The first thing he did after picking me up was going to his business partner's place, he delivers something that looks like a keyboard but I don't know. Afterwards we went to the apartment to pick up Rose and have lunch. We had fried rice for lunch today! It was really delicious. =D

Post-lunch we went to a tea shop before going back to the apartment. At the tea shop we bought two green teas, one for me and one for Rose. It was very very very BITTER. I MEAN IT. BITTER.

We went back to the apartment to rest for a while before going to the ARC office. The ARC office had 'made' my day,,, well I brought my photos and they didn't say the requirements for the photo so I was kinda in a bad mood afterwards. Especially because the fee for a photo is around 300 NT$.. darn expensive compared to Indonesia and it's pretty much the same. MY MONEY! At first I thought of that, but I forgot I have 50 US$ for ARC.

One thing that worsened my bad mood was I had to go home straight on 30th of June. I wish I could stay longer! That really 'made' my day. It really did.

Oh yeah, I think I messaged my mom too much and now I've got no credit. Oh darn. When we got home I took my sketch book and drew. I haven't finished the OB performance comic, and because it was too much of a hassle, I decided to make stick-thin people. LOL. The one that had round head, and stick thin body and hands and feet. =D

I thought Rose was playing the computer so I didn't come to the comp room. It turns out she was only using it for a short time so afterwards I played the comp. At that time I wanted to make an Orkut account but the languages are still in Chinese so I suppose I'll wait till I get home. -__-

It took pretty long to write my two-day blog. I turned off the computer when it was time for dinner already. After dinner I decided to wash my underwear. Okay, this was the time I felt so stressful. First time I felt so stressed ever since I came here.

I don't know why but maybe my hygiene freak instict made me like this. Oh man. I saw black spots on my underwear and even with brush they were hard to remove. Also I saw something black that was on the water, and also when I drained the water, tons of ants were there. Or maybe it was something else? Anyways, it made me stressed. Stressed enough, I asked my home ma for help. She gave a liquid detergent and then I think it solved my problem. I looked at my past underwear (the ones I'd washed) and I didn't see any black spots. I just hope after it dries up those darn black spots will be all gone.

I sweat a lot that day. So immediately after I washed my underwear I took a bath. There's this black thing that really made me want to puke. Although small, it worsened my day and I felt really sick by looking at it. I don't know why though. Well I remember my mom saying that looking at good things will make your face different cause you always smile when you look at it, while looking at bad things makes you look different.. ermm I dunno but I think so. But that didn't made me feel sick of horror movies -__-"

Once I exited the bathroom, home ba says he just wanted to ask if I would like to take a walk in the university. I said I had many thoughts, and then I told home ma the black spots stressed me out. And then she said it to home ba in Chinese.

Afterwards I dried up my hair. When I got out from my room, I only saw home ma downstairs. She says home ba took Rose to buy a new pair of glasses. I talked a lot with home ma that night =)

I offered home ma if she wanted to see my photos. This time home ba and Rose already got home. She just said yes and then I brought the photos my mother put inside my luggage. Home ba says my mother is very beautiful =D=D=D well she is ;)

Then home ma let me see Rose and Ray (host brother who is currently in Brazil)'s photo albums. Rose looked like an American girl when she was a baby xD while Ray somehow resembles my brother when he was a baby but later on no longer. Hehehehe. I also saw the photos of home ma and home ba while in another countries such as Australia.

When I exited the comp room, where I saw the photo albums, I saw that Rose is exercising. Actually it made me want to but no, I didn't do it. Hehehehe. I wrote diary while watching drama. In Indonesia I didn't really like watching dramas (sinetron) but here I prefer watching dramas rather than staying in my room. LOL.

I then used the comp for a while before going to sleep. Today, I slept at around eleven thirty again. Oh sleep. I wish to have you moreee. Dx