Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 5 - Aylin's bday & last day before school starts

Today is Aylin -- my cousin's birthday! I wanted to just give an e-mail to say happy birthday but later it seems like I have no time to go play the comp so I just gave her a message containing happy birthday in Deutsch. I asked mom though, LOL. Lucky mom gave me her number.

I woke up at 8.30. Record so far. I remembered my dream. A little. But I won't explain it here since no one would understand after all. LOL. And then I went downstairs.

This morning I bought my breakfast in 7-11. I bought an onigiri. It has chicken stuffing. I also bought a Japanese snack that I liked. The one with a yellow skin boy. Haha. Rose then bought a sandwich from the place where I liked to buy Dambing. After that we went home. We ate breakfast, and watched TV. Rose and me watched You, Me and Dupree. Owen Wilson was hilarious! And the naked scenes LOL. ROFL.

I laughed really hard on some scenes. I was afraid my home ba was home. So then I minimized my laughing volume LOL. But it turns out that my home ba is currently in the university. Home ma is also not home. She seems to buy some fruits and maybe vegetables. She also bought some corns. Here I think I often eat at the wrong time, and then when it's time to eat lunch or dinner, I am not hungry and then... I become hungry during the night. It's almost like I'm starving myself when I don't want to LOL.

The stores here usually open at eleven. So after we finished watching the DVD You, Me and Dupree Rose and me went out to find some clothes. I said I lack clothes. Well, I think I brought too few...

First we checked the store that's close to the home. I didn't really like the clothes there... too thin, so you have to wear something inside so there won't be VBL.. uh well it would be body exposure too -__-"

In the end I only bought a black tanktop. It costs 99 NT$. After that because it's nearly lunch time, we went back home. We passed by a store that sells home wares such as home sandals, clothes hanger etc. I bought a clothes hanger because I think I need one more. I don't wash my underwear everyday (it would be too much of a hassle) and because I wash my 2-3 days underwear I'd need one more clothes hanger.

Then we got home. We ate lunch while watching dramas on television. Well I love TV here! LOL. Today's lunch is noodles with pork meatballs, octopus and some vegetables. THE PORK MEATBALLS ARE AMAZING. I LOVE THEM. Well in Indonesia how are you going to find pork meatballs? LOL.

Rose told me to go somewhere else if I want a cheaper clothing. However we go there by bus and because it's usually not on time, we should wait until 2.30. I don't know the first one though, maybe around 2. But then, I felt sleepy. Really sleepy. I thought I'd wake up at 3, but it turns out I overslept. I woke up at around 3.40. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep these days. Well then afterwards Rose and me walked to the bus stop. We waited for a while before the bus finally came. Rose treated me again. Oh I love you Rose <3

Inside bus it was cold, so it was like some kind of heaven. LOL. Taiwan is as humid as always. We went down on Railway Station, passing Cheng Kung University and Tainan Gongyuan and... Guangming something. I forgot. LOL. We used an underpass and then we went to the stores. Everything is in discount. 100 NT$ but... I kinda don't like the clothes. Well not all. Usually the skirts are sooo short. And the sizes are small cos Taiwanese girls are not usually big. Well... I hate being a big girl but what can I do? Extract my bones so it become smaller, or liposuction? LOL. No way. I love money more than that hehehehe although I do want to become slimmer xD

I ended up buying one denim skirt and one shirt. Total is 540NT$. -_- OH MAH MONEY...

While walking I see that many many Taiwanese girls wear STOCKING. Either the long one or knee-high. It's so hot and wearing stocking during summer... to me it's suicide. LOL. I don't like sweating hehehehe... the Taiwanese girls usually wear short skirts and then stocking. The shoes are either sneakers or flat shoes, I don't know. Hehehe.

Oh yeah, I remember that mom told me to buy an undershirt. Because I can't explain, there's like a dead end when I asked Rose so I asked my mom. What's the chinese word for undershirt. Mom says it's nei(4) zhen(1)shan(1) but can also be nei(4)yi(1). Rose now understood. Then I decided to go to MegA department store. Rose and me also went to an information center but I forgot when; after department store or before.

Inside the department store, when I saw a book showing the places here I pointed at Wacoal. I said usually brands like Wacoal also sells the thing that I need. Yeah, I found one! But... 200 NT$. Even I had full pocket money I wouldn't buy it. LOL.

Then Rose told me we should go to Poya. The store we went to on my second day in Taiwan... well first day after I arrived. Hehe. It takes a long time to walk there. My feet hurt... well I wore the wrong shoe..... -________-

While walking there I also looked at shops that sell shoes. Wewe told me I have to wear white sport shoes during P.E. But I didn't find any that I like. So we decided to just go straight to Poya.

When we reached Poya I felt like I had accomplished something. It's not much but like, I rarely walk in Indonesia, and here I was walking with a wrong shoe and my feet hurting like hell. -_-

I first put four undershirt in my bucket. But then Rose told me only elementary school students wear them, so it's kinda strange that I want to buy it. So then I only bought one, and then looked for a powder bowl. I chose the cheap one but later regretted as the feather falls easily. -_-

Even though Poya is not that far from home, I was complaining and luckily Rose wasn't the type to get angry easily LOL. I wasn't being a kid though, I'm just saying oh my feet. Hahaha. When we reached home home ba and ma are already at home. Then I told them I thought one of my toenails cracked. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you that I wore an oversized crocs copy; here called Bush (yes, the president) shoes owned by Rose. I haven't cut my nails and they had grown quite long (to me) and then when I walked towards the shop near the house; it was after I watched You, Me and Dupree with Rose.

But actually that toenail of mine also hurt. Then home ma put plaster on it. I actually didn't really like the idea of plaster but well, that's for the best. Because when it's wet.. um well it's just one of my skeptical thoughts. Never mind that. After the plaster was on, I ate dinner, which is already ready when I got home. Then my home ba says that my way of walking is very strange; yes, I do realize that. I menyeret kaki saya sewaktu berjalan. Hehehehe =D

Then home ba says I need shoes that have thick soles cos I'm tall, and it makes the pressure on the ground made by my feet (oh yeah, Physics) greater, plus my weird walking style. LOL. Home ma gave me a pair of shoes that has thick soles, and is colorful. Hehe. My shoe size and home ma's shoe size is similar, so I can wear that. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE (I think), I AM GRATEFUL I HAVE SMALL FEET.


After dinner we went to the supermarket. I bought a cellphone there (the one that can read Chinese) for 1999 NT$. Oh my next month allowance! T___T

Other than that I bought a snack which I later not eat for days after cos I don't have time and I don't want to eat at the wrong time. LOL. Once we got home I went to the toilet, after that I took a pair of clothes and underwear to the toilet again. It's already quite late but it doesn't feel good with all the sweaty feeling I had thanks to a lot of walking. Hehehehe.

I bought a microfiber towel during my first visit to Poya Living Mart, and I used that to dry up my hair. I don't know how it really works but I know that the towel won't be as wet as normal towels do when used to caress the hair.

Afterwards I wrote my diary. I thought I'd send an e-mail to Aylin saying happy birthday but no time so just as I said in the first paragraph, I gave her an sms consisting of happy birthday in Deutsch and then slept. Lalala.