Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Life so far

I'm still the worrywart girl.

I'm still the girl who thinks too much.

I still can't ride a bicycle.


Life so far, is like any normal life; has its ups and downs. I'm glad that now I can ride bus by myself, and thus I won't have to trouble my host dad or mom in terms of transportation. Well not for school... if only I can ride bicycle maybe I won't have to trouble them...

If someone asks me whether I have a favorite idol.. I will be blank.

If someone asks me whether my life in Taiwan is good or not, I'll say very good. But actually I don't know if that is really how I feel. Maybe yes, maybe no. I do feel grateful to Rotary International for having this wonderful exchange program, but I really don't know if when I say 'very good' is a white lie, or it is really how I feel.

I'm sometimes too realistic, and I feel that I can't say what I haven't experienced. I feel happy being here, but time just flies too fast.

I hate how the school system here makes my classmates so busy it makes me feel that I am disturbing their study time sometimes. They don't look that stressed, but actually they are stressed. They have lots and lots of homework, so they have to spend at least a day of their weekend, or maybe both; to do homework.

In Indonesia, I won't do that unless I do have an assignment due in Monday or maybe Tuesday.

I make my own homework by searching for new words, and write diary in Chinese, etc. I watch TV in Chinese, not caring whether I understand or not.

So far I have improved a lot, especially when in my first day I don't speak Chinese at all. All the Chinese I've learned had ran away from my mind.

This Sunday we'll have a speech contest. I won't aim for the first; I know the Thailand exchange student will win. I know.

Sometimes I feel kind of inferior among the other exchange students. They treat me indifferently, but still... well, as stated above I am indeed a too-much-thinker. I am the only Chinese coming to a Chinese speaking country, and sometimes the fact bothered me.

They all look different, while I look the same. Sometimes jealousy occurs, but I'm not the kind of person who'd be like hateful because of that. I'd rather keep it inside, or maybe just speak to them sincerely and not in a bad way.

Lunch time. Maybe I'll continue this blabber of mine later.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My watchhh


I hope it won't be completely lost. My dear watch.. though I haven't developed so much feelings for the watch (it's still new)... it's still a gift from mamiii

My old watch.. oh I love it. But it's broken now.. thanks to my 'love'.. which meant yah.. I didn't really took care of it.. T_T but anyways I loved that watch..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Gw belom upload foto2.. haiyah. Banyak yg di kamera, namun gw ga masukin. tralalala. card readerr~~~~~

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I suppose it's karma..

Yesterday, I went outside with my fellow exchangees. Yeah, I started out bad cause I annoyed my host dad for being late.. I immediately felt terrible.. well he didn't seem to be angry but being the skeptical girl I am, a guilt means double, triple, quadruple, or maybe quintuple guilt... (I suppose I'm being too hyperbolic)

Then he dropped me in front of a building. I waited until Carol would come. It turned out the other exchange students who lives in Tainan City also came. So it's not only Carol. Our party has Belly, from Brazil; Claudio, from Mexico; and Max, from Thailand. Max or Belly's host mom (I don't know who is currently residing at her house) is also here.

First thing we did was lunch. I ate lunch at home; which I regretted; so I only drank orange juice and ate some fries, and also tried something that tasted like chicken.. but it tasted good anyways. Belly, Max and Carol ate lunch; Belly and Carol ate fettucine, Max ate a lasagna. Claudio said he had eaten lunch so he only ate fries. I shared my fries with Belly and Carol.

We looked at some camera shops, and well, shops that sell similar stuff. Carol wanted to buy a camera, but not now. Then we went through the shops. I went here before, so I wasn't as interested. I talked to Claudio most of the time, and I thought I get along better with girls. LOL. Maybe because he starts the talking most of the time too LOL.

While shopping, Max asked if we wanted to watch movies. He said he was bored :p and so we went.. well I didn't think any of the consequences going without telling home 爸 or home 媽 when going there. Instead, I had fun. I practiced some Spanish I learned from Patty.. though I didn't know how it spelled exactly =P

We got there. It was the big department store my host parents told me, and it's expensive. Oh well, we're going to watch a movie after all, not shopping :) we watched The House of Bunny. I somehow thought Anna Faris' face looked like Britney.. and also, Rumer Willis really looked like Keira Knightley after the makeover I thought they changed actresses (Rumer to Keira).

After that, I was planning for a photo booth but let it go. Then we just wandered around. We looked at branded stores such as Dior; wow we seem to be super-rich teens.. LOL. We got friendly with the people in the store xD being an exchange student means that too, and I'm glad :D

After Dior was Prada. In the middle, home 媽 called and so, feeling a terrible pang of guilt asking her to pick me up I immediately said goodbye, with hurried face (I felt so) and went outside, only to see nothing. Later I found out that there were two department stores with the same name, and home 媽 mistook where I was with the other one. I felt more terrible than ever. She said it's okay but next time I should go home by myself because it's very far. I felt like descending to the deepest part of Earth.

I cried, but I didn't want her to know. It was nightfall and I should be able to cover it, hopefully. We stopped for a while to buy dinner for me and Rose. When we finally got home, I was hoping that my eyes wouldn't let home 媽 know I'd been crying on the way home. But well, it was too obvious that my eyes are red thanks to crying. I kept quiet though, and home 媽 also kept quiet, though I didn't know she realized it or not. I think she did, though. I was never a good liar.

Going home, I decided to take a bath first, which is something I don't usually do. Usually I'd eat first and then take a bath and brush my teeth in the same time so I save trouble. But well, I spent my time alone and cried inside the bathroom. I wasn't the kind to cry loudly, so well, they weren't curious.

I had runny nose that day. Actually it was from Saturday. I didn't feel very good on Saturday, and ended up sleeping to make me feel better. The crying just intensified my runny nose. I didn't know how many tissues I spent that day; well my rubbish bin isn't that full of tissues but on the surface it's all tissues. Afterwards I calmed down a little bit, though I might burst at any time.

And so, I ate dinner. I never really liked the vegetables here. They don't fit my taste... --"

I ate my dinner and washed the box to throw it to the recyclable trash can. Then I finished my green tea, which I had bought this morning. I spent more time in my room; because I didn't want Rose, or home 媽 to know I had been crying. I even read my Twilight book in my room, when usually I'd read it downstairs so I don't have to turn on the fan inside my room. I wasn't used to using the fan inside my room. I prefer the one downstairs.

I heard the door open while I was reading Twilight. It must be home 爸. I continued on reading Twilight. Until I wanted to sleep. Oh yeah, I washed half of my underwears; since I wasn't really in the mood for washing. Although it means that I have to wash my socks and remaining underwears in the next 2 or 3 days. T_________T

The only thing I hated in exchange life was the washing part.

When I wanted to say good night, it turned out they were gone. So I said to Rose good night (晚安) and then drifted off to sleep. I thought I would burst into tears again, but it seemed that I'd gotten tired of crying. Oh well, that's better.

However, being the emotional person I am, if this turns up again I might burst out. T__T

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trip day 2

I got a blister, so I decided to use my sport shoe. I don't know if it's actually a sport shoe though; well at least it's thicker so it might relieve some pain...

Like yesterday, I filled my bottle with water at home. Did I mention this in the blog on day 1? If no, oh well. Our breakfast is Danbing again. Yum.

We are going to take a bus; and while waiting for it we ate our breakfast. Our destination is Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. We passed the 101 (-_-). We got off at a station, and then there was this chair that looks like a wheelchair; I took a picture with me on it <3

MY BOTTLE DIED. Why was it broken? Because it was full of water, and it fell from my hand to the ground, resulting in the plastic cracking. Drat drat drat. I didn't think about that for now. Off we go to the memorial hall~

It has stamps too; a lot of it. I took many pictures and looked around. Here also has a water dispenser; oh how comfortable. Oh yeah, I missed the guard guarding the bronze statue. It's called an honor guard; army, navy and air force take turns guarding the statue as a form of respect. They change every hour.

Ah yes, I realized that I got my monthly today. Perfect. Luckily I brought extra panties and also some pads; and that day I was wearing white.. fortunately it didn't make a visible stain. I stamped and stamped, and took pics. We also went to the gift shop.

Lotsa merchandises; I bought three postcards due to the price.. oh well. I don't want to spend so much money now... I still have a day to go. There's this beautifully painted thing; with women in unique clothing... Egypt I think. I loove it but well, how am I supposed to take care of it with still so many months to go here? I'm going to a trip to Taipei in January, and well, hopefully we'll go here again? --"

During the guards' shift change, everyone immediately prepared their handycams; or in my case, camera. I wanted to video them, however they're taking so long it ate a big portion of the remaining memory. I wanted to delete it RIGHT after I read the memory card. Or, until I buy another memory card. I videoed them but it's incomplete as they're taking so long.

Now my handphone will be an alternative to the camera. Oh well. I bought a bottle of water since my water bottle died. Now, we are going to 101. We are only window shopping of course; though some brands made me kind of.. drool :p we ate lunch here. Some are big and expensive (I'd say reasonable) and some are small but expensive. In my case, maybe it's considered the small yet expensive. If here has Indonesian food I'll definitely come to that resto. I miss Indonesian food!

I saw this wonderful chandeliers in Dolce & Gabbana. Me and my host sister wanted to take a pic of it but the people noticed. Grr. And I wanted to take a pic of it T_T oh well. I didn't push the button after all. Ah yes, after we ate lunch Ci Ya wanted to see a live performance of... Prince of Tennis? Says there're Japanese actors, so well, I suppose it's right. So it's only me, Rose and Xuan now.

I HATE THE MY MONTHLY. CURSE 月經. It makes me so tired. I don't feel like walking much. We were just window shopping but it also includes walking. Oh well... There's a bridge connecting 101 with a mall named New York New York. I didn't have the mood to buy, or even observe the products... I just see and see.

Then we went to a store named MUJI. It sells sofas, beds, stationeries, snacks, etc. But also expensive. Afterwards we went to a store selling cute things; but still expensive. Hhh.. all expensive.. tralalala. I don't know when converted to Rupiah or other currencies but in my eyes they're expensive. And I don't want to bring heavy things --"

Tired, we went downstairs and sat outside. Rose ate her snack, while I was just resting. My feet hurt like hell. Is it because my feet is so small? I'm tall and big after all... maybe it's because of the pressure. It's just my theory though.

After that, we went to a place where something is currently being held. When we got there a group of dancers from Taipei University performed. I watched; and then the second one was three dancers with... I can't really explain. Dandy, or Jack-O-Lantern-ish clothing. --?

And then, I saw a crowd of people, and people holding a big camera. Rose said it's a star. When I saw her, I recognized it immediately. She was the star of that drama I sometimes watch! I like her to be with the eldest brother <3 now ="3">

I took some pictures of her, unfortunately none of the pics have her staring into my camera. Hehehehe. She is SO pretty. MUCH prettier than the one in the TV. I don't know why..

Her manager seemed to be a busybody-kind of person. That's how I read her though.. seeing how she acts.. well a typical manager.. I think?

She went to somewhere I don't know, and so we went back to 101. To Watsons and Seven Eleven. I bought my lens drops in Watsons since my old lens drops has already gone through its due date. Talking about soft lenses, I haven't worn them for how long.. since last Thursday. I brought my lenses with me, but I didn't like the bathroom and it didn't even have a hand soap. Okay, I'm not gonna risk my eyes.

In 7-11, I bought four Open-Jiang stickers (I'm a sticker collector) and an apple juice. Then we sat outside of 101, since hell no if we walk all the time. Some time after, we went back inside for the toilet, and then I wanted to buy snacks from 7-11. I bought a Cheetos and a Doritos. Not really expensive since they're the ones made in Taiwan.

It turned out that Ci Ya had finished. Oh yeah, I shouldn't have bought those snacks. --" We waited for a while and then Ci Ya came. The plan now is to go somewhere to buy a memory card for me, but since we can't find the bus to go there we canceled the plan.

Now, Ci Ya's friend joined us. Rose told me she's a Taipei girl but she is not familiar with Taipei. Xuan asked a similar question she asked to Ci Ya yesterday; I didn't hear the question but Ci Ya's friend (whose name later I knew was 小夜 Xiao Ye) said 台北人啊 (I'm not sure if it's this a or no) but well, it literally means I'm a Taipei people lah in a fun way.

We walked towards the subway station. It's kind of far, and we needed the assistance of a woman LOL. Rose said Xuan brought a GPS but she is too lazy to use it. LOL. Aww, I didn't get a 101 pic at night. So sad. Oh well, next time to Taipei! OH TRIPP..

We went to Ximen. It's really a shopping place. VERY CROWDED. But the shopping here is fun I think. It's not as narrow as the one in Houshanpi yesterday. The number of people here wins though; to me. Thanks to my monthly I don't really have the mood. GRR. And it was such a good chance. GRAOOO. Karma to me.

I visited two anime shops. I looked for Katekyo Hitman Reborn ones; I knew 丫頭 would like it. Hehe. At the first shop I only bought a Death Note file, and then a small case with the mascot of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, the small thing. I forgot his name; Reborn? Mind me, I'm not a fan.

Then Xiao Ye, Ci Ya and me went to the next shop; I bought some things here. Xiao Ye met her friends; whom I thought were her friends here. They talked in front of the shop; while I waited at the seat nearby. Yes, I'm tired. Very. My stamina, which is already low, had been lowered again by my monthly.

I ate my Cheetos only for the purpose of finishing it, however they finished first before I could finish. I felt like it has sooo many inside. Well... oh yeah, I saw a big cockroach, well.. not that I like it, but it was struggling for life. I hate insects. I have a certain grudge for any kind of them, innocent or not. Unfair, yes, but I don't know why myself. But as I saw it from afar, I felt some kind of pity. Its legs were trembling; signifying that he's struggling. He avoided people's feet and tried to climb a pillar or something. I don't understand, but well... seeing it makes me think. They also have life and sometimes I feel the grudge and disgust and just want to get rid of them so they won't disturb me. Oh egoistical me.

Before I was able to finish my Cheetos, Ci Ya came to me saying we want to go somewhere else. We walked, tralalala. When suddenly we heard people screaming. People who sold things on the road were chased away by the police, though some still stayed selling. They screamed because they saw the security, and guess what first came into my mind?

Strange creature. Scary ones, that threaten the things they sell. Well they brought their cart with them so I thought so.

I ran to the sidewalk out of shock. Then I saw a security, and I guessed that they ran because of him. Maybe my thought was half right but I didn't imagine a security at all. :p Maybe these are the effects of reading too much horror.. oh well.

I saw people packing their things. I asked Ci Ya, 不可以嗎? (Is it not allowed?) then Ci Ya said not allowed (in Chinese). I see. Well, can't blame them. They want to look for a living.

I get the feeling that life in Taipei is much more stressful than in Tainan. I just thought that because SOOO MANY people smoke here, life is so stressful. School, work, and maybe other things. And here is the capital. It seemed like every corner would have someone holding a cigarette, and I hate it.

We continued to walk. They wanted to go to a department store; and I asked do they have something like McD or something so I can sit while they shop. Xiao Ye said she thinks there isn't any. Then Ci Ya borrowed her phone to call Rose (or maybe Xuan, I don't know). She says we'll meet at the subway station to go to the Night Market and have dinner.

We went to Jiantan, where the Shilin Night Market resides. IT'S DAMN CROWDED. Like, all of the road going inside, and also the inside... they're full of people. We ate dinner in a teppanyaki something shop. But we didn't eat teppanyaki, like I shared two plates of chicken with Xuan and Rose, and also two plates of vegetables. Then we went to a place where they sell accessories, and then the next was bag shop.

Discount; 290 for one and 500 for two. I was thinking of buying one because I had bought some things and I don't think my pink bag would fit; even the clothes only had made the bag hard to zip..... then out of the blue a lady asked me in Chinese if I wanted to buy one so we can buy together. I didn't understand and then Rose translated it for me. YAY. My hidden intentions had been fulfilled LOL. I wanted to buy but if for two, I think it's too many. And here comes luck LOL.

So, I paid 250 and she paid 250 too. Yays.

Then we went to some other place, because Xiao Ye's friends wanted to go somewhere else. Rose, me and Xuan sat on the staircase opposite of the place they went to. I can't stand really crowded places. I chatted with Rose and Xuan. Rose told me that Xiao Ye's friends were from Hong Kong. Oh my god, and I had made them change plans and not go to the department store... oh well. Passed already. Xuan asked me if I want to buy the funny-voice turkey we saw in Danshui. I said I want it, but then she said we can buy it in Tainan. Okay then. I don't want to add to my luggage :)

Some time after, Xiao Ye and Ci Ya came to us. Xiao Ye's friends still want to go and see, so we can go home first. We separated ways before the subway, and bid bye bye to Xiao Ye. GO HOMEEEE. YAY. At home, I bathed first again; I always get the first turn :D after me was Rose or Xuan I don't know, then Ci Ya is the last. Xuan told me that Ci Ya is a clean lover. She washes her hand after she does everything.

Makes sense.. I didn't mention it before but I saw her washing her hands a couple of times at 101's toilet. I was confused; she also said that she doesn't like the tissue here to dry her hands. --? Oh yeah, speaking of toilets; 101's weren't that good. I prefer Senayan City or Pondok Indah Mall's toilets; cleaner I think. BUT, HK AIRPORT WINS ALL THE WAAAY. It's got disinfectant to clean the place where people sit. I give thumbs up for that ;)

Xuan also told me, the reason why she always takes a long time in the toilet is because she washes her clothes too. Well, seeing the toilet here I would prefer washing them at my home; in my case, host fam's home. I tend to be sensitive about toilets. I like clean, clean ones. I hate dust. DUST IS THE WORST THING EVER.

Actually I hated dust ever since I wore contact lenses... I felt the need to have my hands really clean all the time while wanting to apply contact lenses to my eyes.. well. I got this damn experience where I used tissue to dry my hands but... the tissue remains stayed in my palms and got into my contact lenses. Oh I hate it so much. Cause it itches. A LOT.

I slept late again...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 1 of trip

So we set out on a journey for the first day. In the morning we ate Danbing (蛋餅). It's always a favorite of mine here :D

I love eggs <3 We sat and ate the danbing before going to the subway a.k.a MRT since eating and drinking is not allowed there. In Taipei, the MRT's name is Metro, so I'm gonna call that for subway. Rose had two cards belonging to home ba (her dad) so I can use one and pay later, while two of Rose's friends bought a coin for entry. The subway here is like Japan's. In Singapore they have a door, while here doesn't. It's only in Taipei Main Station, I think. The insides are mostly the same, with seats and handrails.

First we set out for Chiang-Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, as we wanted to go to the President's Palace. Today is a special day, the country's birthday I think. We took pictures. One of Rose's friend was so excited that another one of Rose's friend asked,"妳是外國人嗎?" (Are you a foreigner?) This time I haven't asked their names, but well I asked them later so since I wrote when everything has passed, I'll just put their names. I'm being too realistic in everything -_-" The one who's excited is Ci Ya and the other one is Xuan. If I put their English names, Ci Ya is Grace and Xuan is Phoenix. I'll just put their Chinese names.

We went to the memorial hall where a bronze statue resides. It's big, and Rose said it's a statue of a president. Wow. He must've made significant changes =) After taking pictures, we went down using the elevator and saw a mammoth exhibition. I took a picture of a mammoth large doll and took another with me and Xuan. Rose took some guides for us, and then I think we went to the toilet for a while. Also, the museum here has a water dispenser, so bringing a water bottle is convenient rather than buying one and another. Ah yes, I noticed the museum here has stamps as souvenirs, and I always stamp. XD. The museums I've been also has water dispensers. Cool thing.

Afterwards we went to the gift shop. Darned expensive. Well it's for tourists so I suppose they'll demand big. Maybe for the tourists it isn't that expensive but to me, being a student here, it is considered expensive. Well if converted to IDR, I don't know. Maybe expensive sometimes and cheaper sometimes. I bought a set of pins, which costed 250 NT$. The pins are landmarks on various places I think. One of it is Sun Moon Lake; Patty's been there, but I haven't. I also saw a flag patch near the counter and so, I bought one to be sewn on my Rotary blazer. =)

Next stop is the president's palace. But when we got there, tons of police officers are guarding the entry to the president's palace so it's no use. Also, the roads are blocked so it's empty. The number of people here is big (but not too big), but the number of cars, nope. Only authorized cars are able to enter.

Since we can't get it, we decided to go to Danshui (淡水). Rose said before we went to Chiang-Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, we'll go to Danshui if the president's palace is too crowded. It is; BUT with police officers. I didn't write about Rose's statement up there, but oh well. I tend to forget things and then remember it later when it's a little bit.. too late.

Oh yeah! I met a fellow exchangee; he's from Colombia. Total coincidence. When I saw his face I knew it was him; but I waited for him to recognize me. And yes, he is the exchangee I know. LOL. His name's Juan; complete is Juan David Cardozo Maglioni.

(Mind me; I like memorizing names.. I know some fellow exchangees' full names xD.. Marine Isabelle Cappellen, Tim Wertz, Christian Nordgaard Sundby, Isabella Rosselinni Young (me), Patricia Anne O'Brien, Isabelly Rayanne Nunes Lemos, Caroline Kanegusuku, Lays Lima Dutra, Julio Mansur, Jeanette Astrid Solis, Alexandria Marie Billings, Rapeepat Chivaruk, Claudio Dragonne Garcia, Laksami Chuwat... oh well. For the other Mexican and Thai friends.. sorry xP)

Juan came with his host mother and his host sisters. I suppose their destination is pretty much the same as us; and I took a pic with him since we coincidentally meet (?) haha. He lives in Chiayi so it's kinda far.. won't meet unless there's an inbound trip or something like that. Oh yeah, Juan introduced himself to Rose and her two friends in Chinese; wo shi Juan (I don't know his Chinese name.. maybe he said Juan or maybe his Chinese name..) wo lai (zi/zhi/zhe? I just know how to speak that word) 哥倫比亞 (Colombia). And Rose started speaking in Spanish. Lalala. She was an exchange to Mexico after all ;)

After the small chat, we bid goodbye and we left for Danshui.

Danshui is DARNED DAMNED far. It's the end of the route. MAAAANY people go down in Danshui. But I love the place <3>

So, we got down and exited the station. We walked towards the harbor. We also went into some shops; I bought a Taiwan shaped postcard; made of something I can't name in English... because I didn't know the exact word. Oh well. I also bought a TOTORO small purse. I love Totoro when I was small, so I bought it, even though it's 90NT$ in price.. expensive for that small thing. But I rarely saw any Totoro merchandises any more, since it's an old anime.

In the middle of the journey, I saw a store like Poya (a living mart) so I asked if I could enter. Lucky me. I was expecting to pass by a store like this to buy paper underwear (I don't want to wash a lot of underwear when I get back =P) and wet tissues. It turned out to be Watson... well I didn't see the sign. Hehehe.

We reached the harbor! In Taipei, the rain comes, and stops. It happened many times. I love the harbor here. I should've bought some things but my hands are full. Darn it. I wanted the ice cream too,, which is very high... Oh well. Gotta wait for the next trip xD maybe for the inbound students later in January. We ate lunch here; it didn't cost a lot but it is very small. I ate a small bowl of fried noodles and two pieces of pork stuffed meatballs. I MISS HOME MA'S PORK MEATBALLL...

There's a game station, but there's no DDR so it doesn't interest me very much, except for the turkey toy! Pressing the body will make them emit a funny voice. I recorded two. LOL.

There are some interesting gift shops here. First we saw a shop; it was crowded. It has DIY (Do It Yourself) products, preserved insects (eww), real flower stickers (I doubt it was real though. Except in real life there really is a four leaf clover), small snack keyrings, human body puzzle and many more. I didn't buy anything here.

Second, there's one that has a wood smell. It reminds me of Indonesia... ohh. I MISS SPICYY. TELOR BALADOOO SARI RATUU AYAM POPP CABE IJO ULEKK SAMBELLL~~ (non-Indonesian people do not mind my babble ehehehehehe)

I found something that I really LIKE. OMFG THE SMALL OWL IS SO CUTE. I'm gonna upload the picture once I get my memory card read. It's very small, yet the price is 80NT$. I'm gonna buy another one if I'm going to the harbor again =P

There's another gift shop but I didn't buy anything as none are interesting to my eyes, except for that blowfish. Aww. I didn't buy it though. Ci Ya bought something.

Then Rose, Ci Ya and Xuan said they wanted to buy the tower ice cream. I want ICE CREAM. OHHHHH. STUPID CHINA WITH THEIR MELAMINE ACCIDENT. It makes people sometimes feel uneasy, especially with that factory being a big one.

After ice cream, we wanted to get on the boat. I saw the line. TOO LONG. And I thought Rose said it will take too much time to just queue. Then we walked in another way. Oh, mind me. It wasn't for that long-lined queue. This one is not that crowded. We went into the queue, and the line stopped right before us. So, maybe luck? We get to be the first in the next turn.

We went to a place I don't know the name. Bali (八里) Wharf. Bali~ oh Bali. The characters are the same but I think it wasn't meant for Indonesian Bali.

Ci Ya and Xuan wanted to go to the toilet so they rushed outside the boat. Rose and me waited. Gosh, the rain got stronger, and the wind is so strong. We got quite wet but at least it has shelter so we get wet from the side only. We visited some shops. Rose told me of a kind of Taiwanese traditional snack. Shrimp cookies. I think I ate that kind already, but I don't know. It looks delicious =P

Rose bought a wallet; it only cost 100NT$. Lalala. The rain had stopped, and there was a rainbow. So, we took pictures. However, it's hard because it's so bright it's hard to see. I gave up, it's better to seek for a less bright place. There was a fountain that got a rainbow too, so I took a picture. Then, I thought this place is less bright and I took the picture. I loved it. XD

We took a bus towards the Danshui MRT. We looked at the shops because Rose and me wanted to buy an umbrella. Both of our umbrella is broken because of the strong wind. -_-" I also saw an old woman selling handdrawn postcards! So beautiful. How can color pencils be so beautiful? Aww. 50 for 3 so I bought three. I wish I had bought more though =P

Next stop is Taipei Main Station. Objective: Shopping. One of the exits are connected to Zhongshan Station and in the middle were shops. Rose bought jeans, while I didn't buy anything. There's a brand that interested me but... SO EXPENSIVE. I think it's a French brand,, the name is Poupine.

I ate a candy Xuan offered, but it turned out to be sour and I didn't really like it, so I put it on the left side of my mouth. After so long and the candy isn't finished yet, I decided to gulp it down with water, but... it hurt. I forgot that drinking isn't allowed so I waited until outside. I think we're heading for Houshanpi Station. I drank some water but it didn't really help. It didn't hurt as much any more so it's okay. We went to a shopping center. FULL OF CLOTHING SHOPS. WITH SALES!

LOL. I found a shop my sister would like. I've always been a fan of laces but wearing them... not really. I just love to see it. LOL. But the clothes in the shop are so expensive.. well they're not on the 'on sale' side. One I liked, 1080/1180 NT$. Hell. I loved it but for that price... I'd prefer to order one online later. I decided I wanted one after all :)

The shopkeeper was in Sweet Lolita clothing; with pink and white color. The other one is gothic punk, well maybe,, that's in my opinion because her makeup looks like goth, and the clothing is more goth-punk... oh well that's how I define it.

Rose bought a jeans that was on sale, and then we went out. I saw the rack with bags, and also the Mary Janes. Aww. But the high heels... well. I'll buy one, maybe, but later of course. Then we looked around a little, before going for dinner. We weren't very familiar to Taipei so we just go to wherever we can eat. We ate pork with rice and some veggies. Then we went back to the shopping station. I think it's called Wufenpu/Wufenbu Shopping Center. I didn't remember the last character, but the first two characters is 五分 and the other one I forgot. Oh well~

We went back to the shopping place, and I said I wanted to take a pic of the girl back in the store. At first it was planned to be the girl herself but the girl said I should go take the pic with her and so I gladly complied :)

Mood lift. And more, I found a shop with these cool clothes. They have that Chinese tinge in their clothes; not like usual casual clothing. The first time I laid my eyes on it, I knew I liked it. They currently have some kind of promotion; 400 NT$ for 3. I'm in. Definitely :D

Afterwards I was just waiting for Xuan, Ci Ya or Rose shopping. I didn't really like shopping in shops like this, since I'm usually looking for skirts or shorts and their sizes are usually small. Oh well. Being a big girl can be kinda hard sometimes. I'm self-conscious but I try to not think about it too much... at least I hope so --"

Feet hurt. Like hell. And we weren't in Metro yet. Perfect. And then, the way back to where we stay; let's just call home here; is like a mountain. Go up and up and up. Finally reaching home, we took a bath. I was the first, and Ci Ya was the second.

After taking a bath I was too lazy to dry my hair even though it's very late already and instead I went to Xuan's room bringing my diary and pencil case. I went there because Rose is also there; I'd prefer be with someone else rather than just being alone, writing my diary in my room. Oh well. --"

Ci Ya took a bath for what seemed to be two hours. She reminds me of my sis :p I heard water running repeatedly, and my mind imagined that maybe she loves CLEAN and tends to wash her body repeatedly so all the germs will be completely washed away. Wait, I think I went a bit too far? Oh la la. I slept like one o' clock I think; and woke up seven forty something in the next morning.


I didn't feel like updating, but here; as I've just gone back to Tainan from Taipei; I'll write on my blog. I intended to make this weekly but I just don't feel like doing it most of the time.

Oh well. Here goes.

I can officially go home at five; although I always go home at six because I get picked up usually at about ten past six. Why wait and do nothing; I'd rather go stay in the classroom. It's colder and more comfortable =P

But today I go home earlier. I should be picked up at 5.30 but my host dad got here ten minutes late. Who cares though; lol. When I went home I had to hurry; I had to eat quickly and then get my luggage down. I packed yesterday night but I left some outside the luggage; because I thought I could have some time to get it in; well I didn't forget my toothbrush BUT I left my small gifts; powder; facial cleanser and my iPod charger (haha). I hate hurrying -_-

Actually I didn't realize it right away. When I was eating I remembered that I haven't put my blue bag which contained the things above inside my bag. But as I was hurried, I forgot. And I realized it when I was in the bus. PERFECT.

Home ba(pa) took us to someplace near the bus station. And then home ba and ma went to the Rotary meeting in Queena hotel something where they have the weekly Rotary meeting. God, at the end of this month I have to do a presentation. Hopefully I won't get a sore throat as I plan to sing; I can't do a dance... oh well. It's in English; so I hope I have no trouble.. I don't want to get stage fright LOL.

Then me and my host sis, Rose, waited until the bus came. We have seat numbers so we don't have to worry about getting separated. Rose's two friends had departed at five; so they'll get to Taipei earlier than us. The scheduled time was 18.48 but the bus was late for I don't know how many minutes; but it wasn't that long. Inside the city the bus lights (inside the bus) are on, and on freeway it's off.

Yeah, I realized I forgot my blue bag and I hoped I had some small gifts in my luggage. But I don't remember putting any inside. I got worried; and being the worrywart I am, I try to think of a way as an alternative. I thought of giving a box of chocolates; why do I worry so much for the small gifts? Cos we're going to stay in Rose's relative's house; so we don't have to stay in a hotel.

Ah well. I slept a few times during the trip. Dunno why I can sleep a few times; but I was sleepy. Oh well. I also ate my rice cake snack in order to finish. Oh yeah, this bus has a TV, but it gets bzzzz when the road is bumpy. Grr. And pauses the film. I don't understand the film, or even the subtitle because it's in French and the subtitle is Chinese; but oh well. I just watch and listen without knowing what it meant. Sometimes I turn it off, and sometimes I turn it on. Every seat has a speaker; I think it's positioned on the ear position when we sit; it's inside the seat and the 'remote controller' is located on... err, what do you say, something where you rest your hands on.. on buses, or maybe airplanes.

When we got there, I don't know what time is it, but I think it's eleven past. Rose's auntie came to us; we're currently waiting for Rose's friends to come here and then Rose's auntie will escort us to where we will stay. Rose told me she was her father's cousin; oh well I don't want to write a long title so I'll just say aunt.

We stayed in Jingmei (景美), and we stayed in... I don't know but my guess is, Rose's aunt's parents in law. I don't really get it because when Rose explained I didn't really get it.. well it's complicated.. filled with ...'s ...'s. @__@

Although it was twelve past when we got to the house, we took a bath. Being me, I wouldn't want to sleep in a sweaty condition and unwashed hair... sometimes I do if it's too late but for this case, well I made the decision to take a bath after all. Then I dried my hair. Some time later, I went to sleep.

I didn't like the bathroom here. IT'S FILLED WITH DUST. Well I guess it hasn't been used in a looong time. That day I haven't known that this house is what I had guessed to be Rose's aunt's parents in law so I thought the children must have grown up already. The room I slept at was an artsy girl, I guessed. She had a drawing of a flower on a paper, painted beautifully. Maybe with watercolor. And then, a photo of a rose on driftwood, and an ad? Don't know, but it's something about Laforet in Harajuku. The shelf was full of books, and I saw books like; braiding hair, long hair design and such. Reminded me of my sis Valencia =P

Continue with the bathroom; I took a bath first so I was the one who took the first glance of the bathroom. It had a spider; and I don't want to feel uneasy so I gave the spider water and then drowned it to the hole; sorry mr. spider. -_-"

I slept at 1.20 something; and I woke up at 6.20 (I slept again till 7). Took a quick shower, and then got ready for going out. We're going to go back at night so we had to be prepared with things like umbrella, water bottle, tissues, handphone, music player if needed (as for me, my iPod's battery was only a small bit of red so I didn't bring) and maybe personal needs.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 7 - New environment

I think this will be the final daily post. LOL. It's gonna be hard if I have to update daily when I'm not. Okay, so yesterday was only half day and full-misa+opening ceremony. First day and I'm late! Dx

There was a female security waiting on the gate and I'm kinda afraid of what will I get as a punishment. When she asked me, I didn't understand and luckily home ma hasn't gone away yet. Understanding I am the exchange student, she let me through, although guilt and embarrassment still lingers inside me. -___-

I went to my classroom upstairs and found my classroom door closed. My heart says OH NO. What am I gonna do now? Barge in? No, that's not something I can do. The curtains were closed so my classmates can't see me outside. However, Patty's classroom is open and her homeroom teacher, who saw me yesterday, walked towards me and explained that today and tomorrow, the students are having tests, so if I want to go to the library it's fine. I asked where Patty is, and she said that Patty had went downstairs to the Vice Principal's office. And so, I went to the Vice Principal's office too.

I passed the room but I didn't see her. Maybe she didn't see me too; well bad timing. I talked with her a little, and then the Vice Principal came and then led us to the library, where we stayed until lunch. When I was still in the Vice Principal's office, there's a woman named You laoshi, who asked me in Mandarin. I get the point cos there are some keywords that I understand; 李(li/3) 先(xian/1)生(sheng/1)
and 家(jia/1) and so I just nodded, not knowing how to answer even though it's just a simple 是(shi/4). And after that she said something, I don't understand and well, she said it's okay. Later I found that You laoshi is a long-time(i think) acquaintance of home ba. They talk a lot about the inbound students. I see.

Inside the library, we were given a PDF file containing Mandarin lessons; daily conversations and new words and others. There is an Indonesia-Mandarin PDF file but I said English-Mandarin is okay. And so, the woman, named Sunny made a shortcut in the desktop so I can easily find it. However, the second time I opened the computer it was gone so I had to look it for myself. There was some trouble opening the Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional so I took a glance at the location. LOL. That's how I found the location later on.

Patty didn't bring a lunch box, and so the Vice Principal took us to a canteen/cafeteria downstairs (it was hot down there.. -_-") and then a woman gave a (I don't know th exact english word, but it's like a lunch plate, but not shaped like a normal round plate... instead it has valleys(?) where you put rice and other food... oh well, out with the explanations. I can't explain really well). I had a lunch box but well, to me it seemed empty but I understood once I ate lunch. Here the school prepares the lunch for the students and teachers, and students are not allowed to eat lunch other than in school except for acceptable reasons.

Afterwards we went upstairs. When I first entered the class I was... umm... confused of who to ask. I just asked is this my class? (seemed stupid) and then a girl asked something in Mandarin but I heard my homeroom teacher, Chen laoshi's name so I nodded and said yes. I was still standing near the entrance and I was saying hi and hi. There's this one girl who just entered the room and I said hi to her. She was with one of her friends. She is very very cute and I like cute things xD her voice is also very cute, just like her XD.

The first classmates that I see is Penny, Pan the class rep, Julia the cute girl, and a girl I don't know the name yet, however I remember because she resembles a senior I once resented back when I was still in my high school in Jakarta. But their personalities are clearly different.

Anyways, I ate lunch and this first time Chen laoshi took the food for me. I didn't really like the food today, and so I didn't finish it. Oh yeah, they also asked me if I can join their P.E class later. I said that I don't have the sports wear yet but they said it's ok. Okay then. However, I forgot my stomach hurts because of damn period. -___- After lunch, Julia and Penny helped me bring my table to the class. It's really hot in Taiwan and I sweat damn lot. When I got into the class, I was wondering why are the curtains closed, and they seem to be sleeping. They have naptime after lunch. How cool, but the uncool is that you go home later because if they don't have naptime we'd go home sooner.

After the bell rang, some woke up, and some still asleep. When the second bell rang, they all woke up to prepare for the test and then when the teacher came I went out. They're going to have a test and I won't have any clue of what is the question, or maybe how do I write the answers here. LOL. When I wanted to go downstairs, I asked a random C203 student where is Patty, and she said Patty's still in the room so I just went downstairs.

Believing that eating inside a room is a no-no, I sat on a bench and ate my breakfast (?). Well the sandwich home ma bought for me before school... I didn't eat it because I was in the library the whole time until lunch. LOL. Actually I can go out and eat first but it didn't pop in my mind cos I was still shy, being in my first day of school. Yesterday was the first but it's only an opening so I'd say it's school day. But today's the first day of school. (??)

Patty said she wanted to brush her teeth so she can put her retainer back. We went to the canteen first cos I said I wanted to buy a drink and then we just sat randomly. It turned out we sat right in front of a toilet. LOL. It's not for students but well, she's only brushing her teeth so I said, just pretend you're a guest LOL.

I forgot when, but the Vice Principal showed us to the gym, and then there's this female teacher who really looked like a man. I first thought she was a man. LOL. Said that we can use the treadmills but not the second one because it's faster. Okay, thank you! =D

I also met my homeroom teacher, but I forgot what for. I think it's about the P.E. class I'm going to attend later. She needed the help of a teacher who's good in English, well I think she's an English teacher but I don't know. LOL.

And then Patty and me were back in the library. She talked about her friends on Myspace, and etc etc. Even,,, ehehe. Oh yeah, her cousin who is really cute! I don't usually like kids sometimes but he's cute! Especially the one with him girl style (he wanted it). Cuter. LOL. Also, a classmate of Patty named Vivien, came to the library. Her English is pretty good and it's her fave subject. No wonder. =D then we became good friends because she came to the library kinda often after that, but now not any more since Patty and me don't hang in the library for that long any more.

When I was about to go to my class, I saw that Penny, Julia and one other student which I don't remember, are already in the library. I took Patty along cos she's all good with it. Okay. Off we go to the P.E. class!

First I saw the handsome female teacher I saw in the gym earlier. I thought it was my class but it turned out it wasn't. I was kinda embarrassed though. LOL. My P.E. teacher is also handsome. LOL. Tall, short-haired, and... umm... better not say it. It's gonna be a sin LOL.

I saw Wewe! LOL. She was also having a P.E. class. To begin the P.E. class, as usual we did warm-ups but I didn't really join in. After that the other girls played, while Patty and me are walking on the circuit. Hahaha. Then a group of girls said hello to us and so we said hello back. It was fun and I despise the time for flying so fast. They asked Patty if she has a boyfriend (;D) and I just laughed, forming an X with my index fingers but she told me to keep quiet. HAHA. The thing I remember was when Jady, a classmate of mine asked if Patty or me knew Taiwanese stars. I was blank for a while, and then one popped into my brain. WANG LEE HOM (Wang Lihong in Chinese) and they all squealed. LOL. I just laughed. Jay Chou doesn't seem to be very well-known here... Their reaction wasn't that extreme, just normal. LOL.

I got some of my classmates' email and phone numbers, as well as their Chinese names. Hehehe. After this, my class still has math class, and I chose to wait inside the Vice Principal's office. Julia escorted me there and then went back to her class after escorting me. Then I tried to message home ma. Then it said message delivery failure. I checked my phonebook if home ba wrote something wrong. By my calculations, I should still have around twenty six NT$, and a local message would be fine. I'm confused. Later, around six o'clock the Vice Principal said she's going to have a meeting but if I want to wait here it's okay. I'm better outside than alone, dunno why. Once I got outside, home ma called. Great timing. Then the Vice Principal escorted me to the gate before going to the meeting.

Before going home I asked if we could stop at a 7-11 cos I wanted to buy a recharge voucher. There's only 300 and 500 so I just bought 300. And I wanted to limit myself. -__- oh well. Afterwards we went home. The TV broke down. Oh no! My daily excitement... usually if I'm bored I just watch TV although I don't understand what they say. Oh dramaa.

Later I went to Poya with Rose, to buy white socks and then the powder bowl I've been looking for. Yesh, I found them. LOL. I also met Patty's third host sister, who exchanged to Colombia. By Colombia I remember that Patty said she's her fave host sis. XD

There's a clothing shop next to Poya, and so I looked if I can find shorts that I can wear to school before I get my uniform. The sizes here are smaller than in Indonesia, and so because of my wide hips none fit me. T_T oh well, I gave up and then went home with a juice. (I bought one)

We also went to a supermarket that has cheaper prices than Poya, to buy a chocolate jam for me. I ended up choosing Nesquik cause I don't really like peanut butter spread. However, Nesquik is meant for milk and ice creams and etc and I don't think bread's a good choice. LOL. Anyways, Rose bought them for me. =)

Reaching home, I put my footwear inside the rack and went upstairs. Home ba seems to be studying, and then I asked home ma if my clothes had dried already. Yes, they have, and so I waited home ma to iron them and sat on the floor. I forgot to turn of my room lamp because of that. LOL. Home ba also offered if I want to go to a swimming pool, he has many tickets and entry fees are 25 NT$, and the other one is 50 NT$ if I'm not wrong. I also asked home ba if there's a charger compatible with my camera here that I can buy. He said he'll look for it.

I sweat so much today. -__- And then after putting the dried clothes in my wardrobe, I took a bath. Afterwards I was planning to dry my hair but Rose called, asking me to see which one do I prefer to buy. The prices shouldn't be too expensive when in Rupiah, for electronics, but I'm currently short on money =D hehehe. The cameras here are usually 40B, and mine's 42B. Later on, Rose looked for her camera if her battery is compatible with mine. First I just put it in without knowing the correct way to put it in. At first it was too big and didn't fit. I was already worried. If it's not compatible, I'll have to buy. Oh no. Then I tried another way. Still no. Fits but the camera won't turn on. OH NOO. Then a 'brilliant' idea popped.

Oh yeah! My battery has arrows showing which way is positive and negative. Rose's battery was all black and no arrows to guide you. LOL. With the similar details of the battery, I put it in and my camera turned on!

YES! For these three months, I can use Rose's charger. But later.. well mom's going to give me some things after all xD

I used the computer even after the battery thing is finished, and sent mom an e-mail. At 11.20 or 30 I went to bed. Aw. Luckily I brushed my teeth already and put my retainers on. =)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 6 - First school day

It's finally time to go to school. Aww I wished it would be longer xD

I woke up with a pretty strange dream but the notes are in my cellphone. I sometimes write details of my dreams on my cellphone if I remember them. However I have to write it immediately after I wake up, or else I'll forget. Usually it's like that but I have unexplainable images too inside my brain LOL.
I felt pretty cold, so I snuggled up the blanket to cover my lower part. I don't usually open the blanket cos it's big, and too much hassle if I must fold it every morning. LOL. I'm still a lazy girl here. Hehehehe.
I fell asleep. Oh no! It was already 6.50 and I'm supposed to be at school at 7.30. I took off my retainers and had a bread for breakfast before I went back to my room to take my clothes and then take a quick shower. One thing I forgot - HAIRBOW. I wasn't planning to wash my hair in the morning but I already took my clothes off so, oh well. I'm the kind to find a way in times like this so I just did my best so that my hair won't get wet.

As usual, I'm a forgetful person. I forgot my bottle of water and I forgot my socks. Quickly taking those from my room, I then said bye bye home ma before exiting the apartment with my home ba. In around ten minutes I reached school and as I saw in the internet, the uniform is like sailor uniform. I was supposed to be late already but I think I wasn't. Patty hasn't arrived either... hehehehe
I went to the Vice Principal's Office with my home ba, and then I sat, waiting for further news. Then I was told to go out and meet my Chinese teacher, Wu laoshi. She's with the Principal at that moment and I just said nin hao (although barely audible) and listened with a smile plastered on my face. LOL.

Moments later I saw Patty from afar with her host sister. I forgot if the Principal did some introductions of Patty to my Chinese teacher, but afterwards Patty and me waited in the vice principal's office. Later Patty's homeroom teacher and 2 students came. One of the student's name is Jessica and the other one didn't say her name. Patty left first then. I wondered, where is my homeroom teacher. She didn't come and later I went to the auditorium with the vice principal.
When I came the misa already started. I don't know if that's also an English word but they called it so, and so do Indonesian. I took a seat next to Patty and then we just followed the whole thing without understanding anything they're saying LOL. Once it's Vice Principal's time to give speech, shortly after Patty and me are told to go onstage.

Patty told me to go first (cruel! but oh well.. hahaha) and then I did. Nervous, I only did a simple opening with full english. Afterwards were applauses from every corner of the room. Maybe I should have added a little Mandarin to show people what effort I'm giving on learning Chinese but oh well, I'm a shy person after all xD
When it's Patty's turn, she was very funny! She cheerfully said Ni hao, wo shi Patty (that's the only thing I remembered) and some more introductions. By reading her journal, she heard people saying aww, and she's so cute. Well I do think so too xD although I wished I could be more brave hehehehe...

And then we walked down to go back to our seats. Somehow I think the introduction made people notice Patty more than me, well I am shy LOL.

After the loooong ceremony + misa is over, we are allowed to go back home. No school hours, just misa + ceremony with a bunch of speeches. Patty's house is closer so she went back home immediately with her bike. I called my home ba but at first he was on the line (I had Jessica help me) and then I just messaged him. Later he called and said he is on the way.

While waiting, I asked Jessica a few questions regarding the shoes that we can wear, the socks, and undershirt. Hehe. Then I saw Wewe come to the vice principal's office. Jessica left shortly after I finished questioning her. Wewe then showed me to her class, and to my class. After that we went to the gate, and then at 11.29 she had something to do, so I waited on the gate alone. I waited for home ba, and then he arrived at around 12.40.

The first thing he did after picking me up was going to his business partner's place, he delivers something that looks like a keyboard but I don't know. Afterwards we went to the apartment to pick up Rose and have lunch. We had fried rice for lunch today! It was really delicious. =D

Post-lunch we went to a tea shop before going back to the apartment. At the tea shop we bought two green teas, one for me and one for Rose. It was very very very BITTER. I MEAN IT. BITTER.

We went back to the apartment to rest for a while before going to the ARC office. The ARC office had 'made' my day,,, well I brought my photos and they didn't say the requirements for the photo so I was kinda in a bad mood afterwards. Especially because the fee for a photo is around 300 NT$.. darn expensive compared to Indonesia and it's pretty much the same. MY MONEY! At first I thought of that, but I forgot I have 50 US$ for ARC.

One thing that worsened my bad mood was I had to go home straight on 30th of June. I wish I could stay longer! That really 'made' my day. It really did.

Oh yeah, I think I messaged my mom too much and now I've got no credit. Oh darn. When we got home I took my sketch book and drew. I haven't finished the OB performance comic, and because it was too much of a hassle, I decided to make stick-thin people. LOL. The one that had round head, and stick thin body and hands and feet. =D

I thought Rose was playing the computer so I didn't come to the comp room. It turns out she was only using it for a short time so afterwards I played the comp. At that time I wanted to make an Orkut account but the languages are still in Chinese so I suppose I'll wait till I get home. -__-

It took pretty long to write my two-day blog. I turned off the computer when it was time for dinner already. After dinner I decided to wash my underwear. Okay, this was the time I felt so stressful. First time I felt so stressed ever since I came here.

I don't know why but maybe my hygiene freak instict made me like this. Oh man. I saw black spots on my underwear and even with brush they were hard to remove. Also I saw something black that was on the water, and also when I drained the water, tons of ants were there. Or maybe it was something else? Anyways, it made me stressed. Stressed enough, I asked my home ma for help. She gave a liquid detergent and then I think it solved my problem. I looked at my past underwear (the ones I'd washed) and I didn't see any black spots. I just hope after it dries up those darn black spots will be all gone.

I sweat a lot that day. So immediately after I washed my underwear I took a bath. There's this black thing that really made me want to puke. Although small, it worsened my day and I felt really sick by looking at it. I don't know why though. Well I remember my mom saying that looking at good things will make your face different cause you always smile when you look at it, while looking at bad things makes you look different.. ermm I dunno but I think so. But that didn't made me feel sick of horror movies -__-"

Once I exited the bathroom, home ba says he just wanted to ask if I would like to take a walk in the university. I said I had many thoughts, and then I told home ma the black spots stressed me out. And then she said it to home ba in Chinese.

Afterwards I dried up my hair. When I got out from my room, I only saw home ma downstairs. She says home ba took Rose to buy a new pair of glasses. I talked a lot with home ma that night =)

I offered home ma if she wanted to see my photos. This time home ba and Rose already got home. She just said yes and then I brought the photos my mother put inside my luggage. Home ba says my mother is very beautiful =D=D=D well she is ;)

Then home ma let me see Rose and Ray (host brother who is currently in Brazil)'s photo albums. Rose looked like an American girl when she was a baby xD while Ray somehow resembles my brother when he was a baby but later on no longer. Hehehehe. I also saw the photos of home ma and home ba while in another countries such as Australia.

When I exited the comp room, where I saw the photo albums, I saw that Rose is exercising. Actually it made me want to but no, I didn't do it. Hehehehe. I wrote diary while watching drama. In Indonesia I didn't really like watching dramas (sinetron) but here I prefer watching dramas rather than staying in my room. LOL.

I then used the comp for a while before going to sleep. Today, I slept at around eleven thirty again. Oh sleep. I wish to have you moreee. Dx

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 5 - Aylin's bday & last day before school starts

Today is Aylin -- my cousin's birthday! I wanted to just give an e-mail to say happy birthday but later it seems like I have no time to go play the comp so I just gave her a message containing happy birthday in Deutsch. I asked mom though, LOL. Lucky mom gave me her number.

I woke up at 8.30. Record so far. I remembered my dream. A little. But I won't explain it here since no one would understand after all. LOL. And then I went downstairs.

This morning I bought my breakfast in 7-11. I bought an onigiri. It has chicken stuffing. I also bought a Japanese snack that I liked. The one with a yellow skin boy. Haha. Rose then bought a sandwich from the place where I liked to buy Dambing. After that we went home. We ate breakfast, and watched TV. Rose and me watched You, Me and Dupree. Owen Wilson was hilarious! And the naked scenes LOL. ROFL.

I laughed really hard on some scenes. I was afraid my home ba was home. So then I minimized my laughing volume LOL. But it turns out that my home ba is currently in the university. Home ma is also not home. She seems to buy some fruits and maybe vegetables. She also bought some corns. Here I think I often eat at the wrong time, and then when it's time to eat lunch or dinner, I am not hungry and then... I become hungry during the night. It's almost like I'm starving myself when I don't want to LOL.

The stores here usually open at eleven. So after we finished watching the DVD You, Me and Dupree Rose and me went out to find some clothes. I said I lack clothes. Well, I think I brought too few...

First we checked the store that's close to the home. I didn't really like the clothes there... too thin, so you have to wear something inside so there won't be VBL.. uh well it would be body exposure too -__-"

In the end I only bought a black tanktop. It costs 99 NT$. After that because it's nearly lunch time, we went back home. We passed by a store that sells home wares such as home sandals, clothes hanger etc. I bought a clothes hanger because I think I need one more. I don't wash my underwear everyday (it would be too much of a hassle) and because I wash my 2-3 days underwear I'd need one more clothes hanger.

Then we got home. We ate lunch while watching dramas on television. Well I love TV here! LOL. Today's lunch is noodles with pork meatballs, octopus and some vegetables. THE PORK MEATBALLS ARE AMAZING. I LOVE THEM. Well in Indonesia how are you going to find pork meatballs? LOL.

Rose told me to go somewhere else if I want a cheaper clothing. However we go there by bus and because it's usually not on time, we should wait until 2.30. I don't know the first one though, maybe around 2. But then, I felt sleepy. Really sleepy. I thought I'd wake up at 3, but it turns out I overslept. I woke up at around 3.40. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep these days. Well then afterwards Rose and me walked to the bus stop. We waited for a while before the bus finally came. Rose treated me again. Oh I love you Rose <3

Inside bus it was cold, so it was like some kind of heaven. LOL. Taiwan is as humid as always. We went down on Railway Station, passing Cheng Kung University and Tainan Gongyuan and... Guangming something. I forgot. LOL. We used an underpass and then we went to the stores. Everything is in discount. 100 NT$ but... I kinda don't like the clothes. Well not all. Usually the skirts are sooo short. And the sizes are small cos Taiwanese girls are not usually big. Well... I hate being a big girl but what can I do? Extract my bones so it become smaller, or liposuction? LOL. No way. I love money more than that hehehehe although I do want to become slimmer xD

I ended up buying one denim skirt and one shirt. Total is 540NT$. -_- OH MAH MONEY...

While walking I see that many many Taiwanese girls wear STOCKING. Either the long one or knee-high. It's so hot and wearing stocking during summer... to me it's suicide. LOL. I don't like sweating hehehehe... the Taiwanese girls usually wear short skirts and then stocking. The shoes are either sneakers or flat shoes, I don't know. Hehehe.

Oh yeah, I remember that mom told me to buy an undershirt. Because I can't explain, there's like a dead end when I asked Rose so I asked my mom. What's the chinese word for undershirt. Mom says it's nei(4) zhen(1)shan(1) but can also be nei(4)yi(1). Rose now understood. Then I decided to go to MegA department store. Rose and me also went to an information center but I forgot when; after department store or before.

Inside the department store, when I saw a book showing the places here I pointed at Wacoal. I said usually brands like Wacoal also sells the thing that I need. Yeah, I found one! But... 200 NT$. Even I had full pocket money I wouldn't buy it. LOL.

Then Rose told me we should go to Poya. The store we went to on my second day in Taiwan... well first day after I arrived. Hehe. It takes a long time to walk there. My feet hurt... well I wore the wrong shoe..... -________-

While walking there I also looked at shops that sell shoes. Wewe told me I have to wear white sport shoes during P.E. But I didn't find any that I like. So we decided to just go straight to Poya.

When we reached Poya I felt like I had accomplished something. It's not much but like, I rarely walk in Indonesia, and here I was walking with a wrong shoe and my feet hurting like hell. -_-

I first put four undershirt in my bucket. But then Rose told me only elementary school students wear them, so it's kinda strange that I want to buy it. So then I only bought one, and then looked for a powder bowl. I chose the cheap one but later regretted as the feather falls easily. -_-

Even though Poya is not that far from home, I was complaining and luckily Rose wasn't the type to get angry easily LOL. I wasn't being a kid though, I'm just saying oh my feet. Hahaha. When we reached home home ba and ma are already at home. Then I told them I thought one of my toenails cracked. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you that I wore an oversized crocs copy; here called Bush (yes, the president) shoes owned by Rose. I haven't cut my nails and they had grown quite long (to me) and then when I walked towards the shop near the house; it was after I watched You, Me and Dupree with Rose.

But actually that toenail of mine also hurt. Then home ma put plaster on it. I actually didn't really like the idea of plaster but well, that's for the best. Because when it's wet.. um well it's just one of my skeptical thoughts. Never mind that. After the plaster was on, I ate dinner, which is already ready when I got home. Then my home ba says that my way of walking is very strange; yes, I do realize that. I menyeret kaki saya sewaktu berjalan. Hehehehe =D

Then home ba says I need shoes that have thick soles cos I'm tall, and it makes the pressure on the ground made by my feet (oh yeah, Physics) greater, plus my weird walking style. LOL. Home ma gave me a pair of shoes that has thick soles, and is colorful. Hehe. My shoe size and home ma's shoe size is similar, so I can wear that. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE (I think), I AM GRATEFUL I HAVE SMALL FEET.


After dinner we went to the supermarket. I bought a cellphone there (the one that can read Chinese) for 1999 NT$. Oh my next month allowance! T___T

Other than that I bought a snack which I later not eat for days after cos I don't have time and I don't want to eat at the wrong time. LOL. Once we got home I went to the toilet, after that I took a pair of clothes and underwear to the toilet again. It's already quite late but it doesn't feel good with all the sweaty feeling I had thanks to a lot of walking. Hehehehe.

I bought a microfiber towel during my first visit to Poya Living Mart, and I used that to dry up my hair. I don't know how it really works but I know that the towel won't be as wet as normal towels do when used to caress the hair.

Afterwards I wrote my diary. I thought I'd send an e-mail to Aylin saying happy birthday but no time so just as I said in the first paragraph, I gave her an sms consisting of happy birthday in Deutsch and then slept. Lalala.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 4 - First Weekend

Today in the morning I talked about money I need to pay to the host club, the money I want to deposit, and etc etc. Because I'm not 18 years old yet, I can't open a bank account. -___-

I woke up at around eight o' clock in the morning (of course). This morning home ma came to the market and when I woke up she is still in the market. When she got home I also asked where is the envelope, so I can wrap my letters. They're finished. Hehehe.

One thing, I forgot to give my parents the papers they needed to sign. Some kind of rules acceptance. Oh man, I hope they won't get angry, cos a copy is also fine. It doesn't have to be real, but maybe blue ink will do.

Today's breakfast is NICE. Home ba and ma knew I liked dambing because Rose told them, so they brought me to a place where there is a bigger dambing. If on foot of course it's very far, well even it takes some time to reach with car. The dambing was WONDERFUL. Also, the sauce. Oh I love you, SPICY.

After we ate breakfast, we went to a shop selling... umm I don't know how to say. Home ma bought something and then we went to the post office to post my mails. I forgot how much it cost, but it's cheap. On the way home, we passed a 7-11. Rose wanted to pay for something, and I bought an apple juice.

Then we went home. Rose played the computer, and so I watch the DVD. Today I chose NORBIT. Well, the woman is indeed VERY SCARY. Oh Rasputia. LOL.

In the middle of the film, home ma brought prawns. We just peel off the skin and then eat. Wow, it's delicious and it's fresh! However, I got a small wound. The skin tore my skin a little... well. It's only a small wound so it's okay.

I said home ma bought something I didn't know how to say, right? Well they told me to try. So far, they know some about me:


I don't know if there are other things. About food though. HEHEHE. But the thing doesn't taste good. It's black pepper and green onion. Tastes strange. Because I bit it and I didn't want it any more, I asked home ma if she could use a knife to separate the part where I bit and where I didn't bite. Even though my host parents said it's okay, I still feel kind of... guilty. They bought it for me and yet, I somehow didn't appreciate. I tried, but well...... okay nvm that.

After we're finished on watching NORBIT, we watch TV. I forgot if it's drama or a variety show. But I was sleepy and I fell asleep. When I woke up I was like, all sweaty. Well here is humid so it's normal. I just don't like how it feels. LOL.

I thought home ba was using the computer so I just took my things and went upstairs. I was staying in my host brother's room and he's now in Brazil, and I saw that he has some comic collections. I saw a BLEACH comic, and although I don't understand a thing, I just read that while eating my corn snack. Just to kill time.

Finished eating and even more bored, I went downstairs. I saw home ma is cooking a fish that smelt wonderful, and I said I had nothing to do. They were very kind to me, so they usually tell me I don't have to do many things. Although I offered help sometimes =D

Then I walked towards the computer room. Home ba says if I want to use the computer then okay. Of course I took the offer. LOL. I opened my e-mail inbox. Mom asked about ARC. When I was about to ask them, they opened the door and went out. Baad timing.

So I just spent time on MSN, e-mail, friendster, and blogspot. I chatted a lot with Jejo, and then later on with my fellow YEP to Taiwan, Victor. Today, Gobind's wise words came into use. (HAIL GOBIND VASH DEV!) LOL. For something. Hehehehe.

Everything in this world is neutral until someone gives a meaning to it, either positive or negative.

I always kept that in my mind. Hehehehe. That guy really is impressive.

When I played with blogspot, I thought of deleting my other blog. Fifteen Life. Well, I don't think I'll write a lot more, so I thought I'd delete it. But I worked hard on it, and there's a story, well teens! Teens fall in love too LOL. I wanted to tell about another of my historical day but well, I'll just keep it in my diary. LOL.

But now I think I can use that blog to write what differences do I meet, between Tainan and Jakarta. Also Taiwan and Indonesia :)

Later on, I stopped the chatting because dinner is ready. Today I learned turn off and turn on the lights. Kai and guan? Dunno LOL.

While eating dinner, we were watching a variety show. Today's dinner is the fish home ma cooked earlier, and it was really tasty! Oh yeah, the variety show consists of WONDERFUL TALENTED ppl. LOL. The one that was crazy was the one with a rubber body. Omg, I can't even imagine how her internal organs would... bend? Hahaha. Can't explain it well, but well, that girl's body was WOW. So rubber. HEHEHEHE.

Another one is the winner of weight-lifting in Beijing Olympics. She's like only about 48 kgs or something, and she can lift a 112 kg weight. What kind of power is that?!?!?! I can't even pick up my 28 kg kilos when I'm much heavier than that. When I was in baggage claim, my luggage pulled me, not I pull my luggage because I wasn't strong enough! LOL!

Then we watched another variety show. First one I don't know how to explain, I guess you have to make words by the last syllable of the word that a previous player gives. Second, it's like guessing words, and first, there are cards. 2 of them has a skull picture on the back, and it means you have to either guess or give clues... I don't know what makes you clue-giver and what makes you guesser. Anyways, there're two singers... well I think they're singers cos they sing a little and then be a normal contestant. It was kind of funny because one of them had to be sealed with a tape because his hand could not stop moving and body language is not allowed as a clue. LOL.

Later at night we went to the big university. I don't know the name, but because it has big yards, many people use it as a place to exercise; walking or running, or maybe cycling. We parked the car outside the university and then went inside to take a walk.

When we got home, I immediately showered. But before that, I asked if I could use my hair dryer here. Home ba says that I can use it for a short time only because the voltages doesn't match. Then Rose gave me one and put it in my room. After I showered I dried my hair, and then I wrote my diary. I think I asked for my clothes, are they dry already or not? And then home ma gave me. It felt awkward when you touch them (my clothes). At first I thought it's because of the humid weather, but later I found out it's because it hasn't been ironed yet. -_____-

And then I went to sleep. Lalala~

Day 3 - Papaniu!

I remembered. Yesterday, when I was repairing the position of my bottom retainer, my finger caught a dead ant. From MY MOUTH. Inside I'm actually freaked out but why the hell should I scream. It's not in a comic LOL. I suspect the ants came to my glass that I use when brushing my teeth, so I became more cautious and checked the glass every time I want to brush my teeth. Until now, I haven't got a second case.

Today I woke up at around 7.20, but I was kinda sleepy so, as usual I didn't get out from the room and instead I'm just lying on the bed, but not sleeping. At 8 I got out from my room and did my morning daily basis; opening my retainer, washing my face and then pee. Afterwards I went downstairs. I saw my home ba (read: pa as in papa) so I said zao(3) an and he replied the same. He was watching baseball at the meantime, and he told me the Chinese word for baseball. Says that baseball is very popular in Taiwan. At first I heard like, ban qiao or something but when I checked my English-Chinese dictionary it turned out to be different. LOL.

Shortly after my home ba says he wants to go to his office. When he says shang(4) ban(1), which means go to work... well, my brain didn't register what he said and a little while later I finally realized when he says he wants to go to the office. Lol. My home ma has gone to work already, so I play the computer and reply my e-mails. Then my host sister, Rose, woke up. She cleaned the home a little and then asked me if I want to go now. I finished my last reply to an email and then I went to buy breakfast like usual. Unlike in Indonesia, usually I buy breakfast because I'm free. My fave is Dambing (4/1 if I'm not wrong), but I don't know how to explain that. For today I bought that, 2 portions because I like it so much. LOL. But I became too full. -__-

I also bought a snack and a lemon tea from 7-11 before going home. When I reached home I immediately ate the delicious thing. I took chopsticks from the kitchen and when I finished eating, as usual I washed it and put it inside the umm... I don't know how to say but it's like a small fridge, but not a fridge and it functions to dry washed dishes, chopsticks, bowls, etc.

Afterwards, I asked if I could watch Casino Royale. Bored, rather than playing computer all the time why not watch DVDs. Okay, then I enjoyed watching the film by eating my snack and drinking the lemon tea; both that I bought in 7-11. In the middle of the film, I wanted to pee so I went upstairs and then took my Betadine and cotton (because I forgot where my cotton bud is) downstairs. Rose asked me if I was hurt and I said it was the injury because of my shoe. Then I asked if she has cotton buds because it's easier using that rather than using normal cottons. After I put Betadine on my injury, I put a plaster on.

Later when I finished watching, I put the CD back in place. I took my things and put them in my room upstairs, and then brought my diary and a pen downstairs. I went downstairs to play computer, and then I checked my e-mail again. Mom had replied my mail already. She told me to try mu gua niunai. Papaya juice with milk. Mom said it's very popular in Taiwan. So, I asked Rose. She said there's one nearby. So if I want to go she can accompany me later. Ok then, I said later. Oh yeah, I also checked my facebook. And also I asked Rose to put my Nokia Cable Connector in the USB port behind the system unit (the front ones are all occupied). However, when I connected my handphone to store images....


I made the same mistake again. When I was still in Indonesia, I used my father's laptop and I did the same thing, and forgot I needed Nokia PC Suite. Well, my computer has that so I didn't worry. And now I gotta download it. -_______________-

For lunch, Rose made dumplings. Simple frozen pork dumplings that only need hot water to boil them and make them edible. DELICIOUS. Maybe I shouldn't have asked for only 5...

Afterwards I wrote my diary again. Rose was watching a Japanese film in a DVD she borrowed from her friend, telling about six rich teens who did an investigation or something because they're bored... yeah being too rich made them bored because they have nothing to do. Actually I don't get the whole point, but they seem to be trying to make someone, maybe politically evil or is someone with a strong influence in the market or something like that, get captured for his evil deeds. This kinda remind me of Special A, but it's different because the teens are all rich kids while in Special A one is not a rich kid.. hehehe.

Later I went with Rose to look for mu gua(papaya) niunai, or simply PAPANIU. On the way to papaniu, we passed by a stationery shop, which my host parents told Rose to take me to. I like stationery shops, so of course I agreed to go in. I bought 2 pens, each costing 8 NT$, letter papers with Wan Wan (maybe it's spelled like this) on it, a small smiling Goddess Kwan Im for my momma, and.... a Wan Wan stamp. But with no ink. And because I don't know, I didn't buy the ink. I thought it had ink, but it had no ink. LOL. Buying a stamp with no ink. -__-

Okay, so I'm finished with the stationery store. I've found a new favorite; Wan Wan's character! It's soooo cute. I just love it. I'll draw it sometime. After some walking, we finally got to papaniu store. One costs 45 NT$ and I bought one. Rose bought one umm..., don't know how to say it, but for anyone who knows Quickly drinks, yeah it's like that. I didn't drink my papaniu on the way home because I wanted to take pictures. I've took picture of a dumpling Rose made for our lunch, and now I'm going to take a picture of my newly bought papaniu!

Yesh, I took one. Then I drank it. .... IT AIN'T TASTY. Well I never really liked papayas but well, I can try. LOL. I talked a lot today with Rose, and my papaniu is some kind of abandoned. LOL. But later on I continued to drink it. I didn't finish though. It wasn't that good... well for ME. HAHAHAHA.

Because the rubbish bins here are recyclable and non recyclable, I threw the remaining juice (because Rose doesn't like it too) and then put it inside the recyclable bin. I tried my stamp, but it doesn't work. Well, it doesn't have ink. Of course it doesn't work. But I didn't know and Rose was having a phone call at that time. I tried to open the bottom. HEHE. But I saw it was all glue so I think it wouldn't be that way. Once Rose finished the phone call, she told me I needed ink. Okay. LOL.

I said I wanted to take a bath, but I wanted to start writing a letter for my parents. So, my bath plan was cancelled for some time, until home ma came home and told me we will go out for dinner. Actually Rose had finished but I still wanted to continue my letter. When home ma said that, well... I took a bath immediately LOL. Because I thought time is already running out. HAHA.

Having not opened my hair dryer and having not asked my host parents yet if I could use my 120V hair dryer here or not, I used my microfiber towel to dry my hair. It's faster that way because the microfiber towel doesn't get that wet even when used to wet hair.

It's still half-dry and then I went downstairs. Home ma says home ba will get us in ten minutes. Aiya. Okay then, I prepared my things, like my wallet and handphone and then took my shoes. And then off we go. We meet home ba in the edge of the road in the T-junction left of the apartment.

We are going to go to a hot plate restaurant. It seems we have company there, who are home ba's coworkers. Then I was asked to say hello to them. Even after learning basics of Mandarin, I'm still a beginner at all. I was already right saying Nin (2) hao (3), but they're not only one. They're more than one. So it should be... Ninmen? Tralalalala~

For the main menu I chose chicken steak on hot plate. Then I took fried rice, some veggies and a piece of something like tofu. Afterwards I took some pieces of mango and a banana. Before finishing my last pieces of mango, the menu I ordered came. So I ate it first.

After everyone else came home already, we got back in the car to go. I thought we were going home, but somehow my mind tells me this is not the way home. HAHA. How would I even know we're going home or not. But it turned out right. LOL.

We're going to my third family's house, which is also my counsellor's house. His house is quite nice, and he has a big TV! HAHAHHAHA. Home ba & ma talked for some time, I ate a small banana and drank a glass of yoghurt. Rose found an OPEN (7-11 mascot) doll, and showed it to me. My counsellor said it is his daughter's. Later when we are going to go home, my third home ma gave the doll to me. YAYY. MY DEAR OPEN-CHAN.

After that we went home. Eh wait, home ba stopped at one point to meet with someone, and then went to some place where we choose food and then it will be cooked or put in a soup. We bought some and then went home. Today I slept quite late because I need to finish my letters for Pho-Pho (grandma), my aunt in Bekasi, and for my mama papa. Hehehehe. Cos tomorrow we're going to the post office (it's weekend so home ba & ma doesn't have work).

After finishing on my diary, I went to sleep. Tralalal~

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Next part. Half first day and half second day.


Abis dr airport rencananya sih mau plg tp jadinya ke tmpt makan dl. Gw sih gak gtu laper tp mereka kan nungguin gw jd laper hehehe. 1 jam lebih baru sampe. Restoran tmpt kt makan adalah sebuah resto jepang. Cihui. Gw nanya Rose (host sis) apakah ada table manner tertentu, dia blg nggak. Tp seusai makan gw mengambil 1 hikmah : piring sebaiknya bersih. Piring mereka pada bersih gtu, yah gw jd inget mami selalu membiarkan piringnya bersih.

Abis makan kt pulang. Baru ktemu host mother pas di resto; kayaknya dia kerja jd gak bs jemput gw. hehe. Gw katro gtu, kaget ngeliat host mom gw naek motor pulangnya. HAHA. Gw, Rose dan host dad pulang naik mobil. Host dad markir mobilnya di basement lalu kt naik lift bersama koper gw. Host family gw punya 2 lantai, kamar" kt di lantai 8 dan lantai 7 adalah living room. Gw ama Rose turun di living room dan host dad turun di lantai 8 karena bawa koper.

Gw ditunjukkan dimana kamar gw. Kamar gw adalah kamar anak laki"nya karena taun ini anak laki"nya ke Brazil utk exchange. Rose memberitahu gw bbrp hal seperti kamar mana kamar siapa, kamar mandi dan lainnya. Gw buka koper, dan gw belom unpack abis males. Hehehehehehe. Gw kemudian minta ijin mandi karena gw ud lengket banget. Enak sih kamar mandinya. Emg sih gak luxurious tp pewe. Abis mandi gw masang soft lens. Kemampuan gw ud menurun drastis yg pasti. Ud gtu sdikit kena angin soft lens gw ud gatel. Gw takut bakal jatoh lg jd gw tetesin lens drops. Abis mandi kt diskusi ttg first night questions. Host fam gw sangatlah baik. Gw ga usa cuci baju sendiri, tapi baju dalem gw yg minta cuci sndiri. Trus katanya gw ga usa bantu apa", host mom blg mgkn kadang akan diminta bantu. Oke dong. Gw bersyukur bgt deh tinggal ma mereka =D

Abis itu Rose ngajak gw jalan keliling sekitar apartemen. Td emg Rose udh blg, tp kt mendiskusikan first night questions dulu. Hohoho. Gw lalu diajarkan bagaimana mengunci pintu dan membuka pintu, pintu kamar apartemen dan pintu yang dibawah. Kemudian kt jalan sampe sebelom lampu merah yg per(gatau brp)an. Kayak jalan wijaya itu lah, lebih dr perempatan. Abis itu kita balik. Hikmah = ada movie theater yg dket rumah, kemudian toko paling convenient adlah 7-11 (Seven Eleven). Well emg itu convenience store sih.. hehehehe.

Saat balik, gw melihat host dad ngantuk gtu. Eh iya, sebenrnya sih boleh panggil home ba(baca:pa kayak papa) trus host mom home ma tp klo disini host dad/mom ajh de. Hehehehehe. Gw gak ngapa"in lagi, hanya nulis diary. Lama bgt, ampe hampir jam 12. Abis itu lepas soft lens, gogi dan tidur. Esokny gw bangun jam 07.45 tp gw tdur lg. Jam 08.15 an gw bangun. Rose ud bangun, dan gw ga liat siapa". Taunya host dad ada di ruang studi, tmpt ada komp. Dia blg kt dsruh beli breakfast dl baru pergi ke sekolah. Disini emg beda ama Jakarta, hehehehe. Td gw beli breakfast deket rumah, telor yg dibungkus pake apa gtu. Tp enak bgt. Yak, gw ditraktir dl karena gak bawa duit.

Sebentar lg mao brangkat ke sekolah, dan kt host dad gapapa klo gw mau pke baju yg ky skrg. (gw pke kaos dan celana selutut... baju gw dr kmaren) Gw pke sepatu jalan yg dibelikan mami dan berangkatlah kita ke De Guang Catholic Girls High School.

Host dad memarkir mobil lalu kt turun dr mobil. Gw ikut di blkg host dad yg menuju principal's office. Disana ada anak yg dr Amerika; namanya Patricia O'Brien, dipanggil Patty dan dia dr Florida. Dia bakal di skolah yg sama ky gw, host father dia trus 1 org lg gatau siapa hehehehe. Trus ada vice principal ama principalnya. Kita ngobrol sebentar, lalu kt disuru ke Tata Usaha utk ngukur badan buat baju. Abis itu kt balik ke Principal's Office dan ngobrol btr lg. Katanya ntar di opening ceremony gw ama Patty harus perkenalkan diri di depan kr" 2000 murid. (OMG) 1 menit utk gw, 1 menit utk Patty. Perkenalan singkat sih. Hehehehe.

Gak lama kemudian kt naik mobil. Host dad menurunkan gw ama Rose di depan sebuah toko dimana gw belanja", lalu kayaknya dia pergi kerja. Gw melihat harganya dan berpikir. OMG MURAH BGT. Bayangkan. Snacks besar harganya hanya 30an NT$. (1 NT$ = 300 rupiah). Total" blanja gw 368 NT$, dan jika ditotal semua HANYALAH RP 110RBan. (Padahal gw beli banyak lho, snacks, tmpt sabun, shower gel gede, dll) MURMERRR. Harus menahan diri ni. WAHAHAHAHA. Gantungan baju dan baskom Rose blg dia bakal bayar walaupun tar gw yg pake. Sebenernya gw jg ga mao ngutang tp dia blg dia yg mau bayar ya ud. Terima kasihh~. Hehehehe.

Abis itu ke toko lain karena Rose mau beli sesuatu. Kayaknya penangkal kecoa. Kemaren pas di dapur gw liat kecoa kecil dan ud serem sedangkan Rose udh biasa. Gatau sih dia beli krn itu apa gak. Kemudian kt jalan ke pasar swalayan. Hari ini gw blajar bbrp kata". Jahe = jiang (kayaknya... gw nebak soalnya gw cm dnger Rose ngmg apa), Pilek - ganmao, Huanying guangming(kyknya yah) artinya welcome, may i help you?

On the way home, kt mampir apotik, makan siang ama 7-11. Gw blg mao beli obat buat tenggorokan jd beli btr. Total 200 NT$. Dipikir" gw hr ini boros jg. Maklum bli macem" dl. Hehehehe. Gw beli makan siang sama Rose di sebuah toko teppanyaki gtu. Bawa pulang dan gw ditraktir lg. Oh no. Tp gw prna dnger rezeki jgn ditolak; y udh de. Hahahahaha. Di 7-11 gw beli pulsa 300 NT$ trus pas d rmh udh bisa sms mami, depi sama mira. Sampe di rumah, gw mulai bersin". Rose blg kayaknya gw pilek. Tp dilihat dr jenis ingus yg gw keluarkan, yakni cair, kayaknya gw alergi. GRRR. Makan siang gw jd gak tenang. Gak tau gw ud ngabisin brp tisu ni skrg. Haiyaaa. Di komp gw jg ud agk lama si,, ngetik email 1-2 jam lebih. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Bagi yg berniat sms (HAHAHA) atau sekedar tau aj... nomer HP gw di Taiwan adalah (censored) Gw belom beli hp, belom bikin bank account, tralalalalalala. Ini hari kedua gw dan gw ud nulis segini banyak saking detilnya. HEHEHEHEHEHE.

Gw jg nulis di buku harian sih, tp kl di diary ada tambahan gbr kyk mekanisme baggage claim di Kaohsiung International Airport. Hehehehehe. Oke deh, ntar pas udh brapa bulan gtuh gw kirim email lg. Tp tntunya gak yg detil per hari... ga mgkn. HAHAHAHAH. Yg penting skrg kayaknya gw harus mnum Claritin, bales sms, dan pake Inhaler. Lalu mandi. Gw blom mandi dr pagi lho. Heheheheheh. Takut keringetan lg. HAHAHAHAHA.

Oke deh. Sampe disini dl. Papi, titip salam buat para anggota RC Jakarta Gambir yah. Bilang makasih ud sponsorin saia. Hehehehe. Mami, koby, papi ama para mbak" baik" ya. Kawan semua (yang tak bisa disebutkan satu-satu namanya krn trlalu bnyk) baik" yaaaa. Laf ya. Kalo mao forward, forward aj. Hehehehe. Bagi Jessica Obaki, forward aj ke ruthy, bellan, elda ato siapa terserah. Gw gatau email yg mereka pke sih. Hehehehe.

First Day - Airport and Arrival

Tman-tman YEP, papi, mami, ama kawan-kawan smuaa~

Gw kemaren sampe di Taiwan, Kaohsiung International Airport =) Tp sebelumnya adalah perjalanan pertama gw sendiri tanpa ortu. Jd mau nyerocos =D maaf kalo kepanjangan. Maklum lg excited =D

Pas di airport Indo dibantu papi bntar. Overweight sdikit, tp dibolehin krn gw student dan br prtama kali. HEHE. Abis lewat imigrasi gw melambaikan tangan sambil menggumam bye" ke arah papi. Papi pun melambai balik. Berhubung waktu sudah mepet dan di boarding pass ditulis 20 mnit sblm boarding gate akan ditutup, gw lgsg ke gate. Tiket di scan lalu gw dikasi boarding pass utk masuk, warna merah krn Economy class. Yg business class warna ijo.

Kemudian gw masuk ke dalam kapal terbang. Gw duduk di bagian window karena pas check in gw request demikian. Sebelah gw adalah seorang anak lelaki yg kr" seumuran gw. Gak ngomong si,, (ngapain coba) lagian kayaknya dia cm bs bhs Mandarin. HAHA. Pas lepas landas gw sempet nangis hehehe tp gpp kok. Ingat mami papi =D tp abis itu ya udh, menjalani perjalanan yg terasa amat lama. Untungnya ada TV mini sehingga gw bisa maen, nonton ataupun dnger musik. Cuman pas itu gw sempet bingung gmana nyolok headphonenya... hahahaha akhirnya ktemu sih. Gw kbanyakan main bookworm karena gw emg suka word games =D ngontrolnya sih emg agak susah, remotnya dipegang horizontal kayak remote playstation gtu. Ada 3 mode, audio, video dan interactive. Audio itu kayaknya lagu" mandarin/jepang/korea gatau d, ga perna gw pke hehehehe cuma dnger btr. Video memperlihatkan peta yg ngasi liat kt kr" ud dimana, dan info-info seperti ketinggian, suhu di luar, jam lokal di Jakarta dan jam lokal di Hong Kong.

Gw sampe di HK skitar stgh 1 jam HK. Gw ud nyetel jam tangan jadi gak bngung. Seusai turun, gw mengingat notes yg nyokap berikan supaya gw tidak bingung. Kartu transit adalah tujuan gw saat ini. Flight number gw pas ke HK kan CI 680, nah itu buat HK-Taipei jd gw nanya klo transit mao ke Kaohsiung gimana. Disuruh tunggu trus abis bbrp lama disuru ikutin seorang cewek. Sampailah di ruangan pengecekan dengan papan di atas tertulis Departure. Shock gw.

Gw pun nanya cewek yg disana dgn bahasa Inggris, dan dia mao liat boarding pass gw. Gw pikir boarding pass transit, tp akhirnya gw kasi dia tiket gw dan dia blg iya itu yg dia minta. Fiuh. Abis itu disuruh ke atas, ngelewatin tmpt pengecekan. Gw pun ke atas. Pmandangan yg gw liat adalah eskalator datar yg biasa ada di airport, shuttle car dan papan-papan yang menunjukkan gate, informasi penerbangan dan segalanya. Toko-toko dan tempat ngopi atau makan juga ada. NAH. Gw kan orgnya takut kalo tiba2 harus ubah rencana. Gw gak dapet kartu transit dan di bayangan gw, gw harus pny itu utk bisa ngelanjutin penerbangan. Ud shock ni. Gw lalu menyalakan HP dan meminta tolong nyokap dgn cara sms. Soalnya udah panik =) di boarding pass gak ada gate numbernya, soalnya dikasihnya pas di airport Jkt.

Pertama gw jg nyari tipi yang ada info flight. Tapi yg pertama gw temuin gak lengkap. Tambah panik. Abis itu mami membalas sms gw yg sdg panik, nyuruh cari tipi yg ada info flight aj. Yes, ketemu. Gate 28 CI 626 tujuan Kaohsiung. Tujuan gw berikutnya adalah mencari troli. Gw pun nanya orang dan ketemu tmpt troli. Airport HK emg asli gde bgt sih. Gw keliling nyari tmpt makan, tp jauh smua kecuali yg diatas. Ya udh, lepas troli krn ga boleh bawa, dan makan. Gw makan popeyes karena burger king antriannya panjang bgt. Selesai makan, gw langsung ke gate 28 (gara" panik waktu gw banyak terbuang). Untung mami nyuruh 1 jam sebelom boarding harus ud nunggu karena ni airport gigantic. Gatenya pindah ke gate 30. Huah. Gw pun menunggu sambil dnger ipod dan main sudoku.

Jam menunjukkan jam 2.35 HK time. Gw tau blom boarding, tp gw kan mendengar pengumuman yang ada kata KAOHSIUNG. Langsung de bangun. Trus gw ke arah meja yg ada orgnya, pikir mesti apa dl sebelom boarding. Krn awam jdnya was" bgt. Gw antri dan melihat org yg menanyakan tiket itu pny tiket yg beda ama gw. Gw jd mikir, emgnya tiket China Airlines beda" ya? Gw pun kasi tiket gw ke si cewek. Dia ngmg bhs Mandarin (ya gw emg org Chinese si) tp gw ga nangkep, br dia ngmg inggris. Dia blg you take a seat, boarding time is 2.45. Okeh, gw kembali duduk. Sebenernya ada sedikit malu tp gw blom tau mngapa. Pas boarding barulah gw nyadar.

Yang td gw tanyain trnyata Passenger Service. Omg, gw pasti dianggep org yg amat sgt awam dgn tiket airport. (Ada tulisan boarding time 14.45) Gw mikir si ya ud, toh gak bakal ktemu lg. Tp ttep malu. -__-"

Masuklah gw ke kapal terbang. Kali ini perjalanan hanya kr" 1 jam 20 mnit tp krn bisa maen ampe bner" mndarat gtu, gw pun maen. Tp, sebelom lepas landas gw amat sgt ngantuk dan gw tidur. Pas bangun leher sakit jd gak tdur lg, kebetulan pas itu dikasih makan. Dalemnya hakau, daging babi yg dibngkus (gw tny stewardessnya dia ngmgnya chang fan ato apalah tp gatau de) dan 2 bakso ikan yg dalemnya ada sesuatu kayak telor. Ada saus cabe yang tulisannya Guilin chilli sauce. CABE! Langsung gw buka trus gw taroh di atas penutup kotak makannya yg aluminium gtu. Gw menghabiskan semuanya krn enak, sbnrnya ada kue yg baunya ky lemon tp gak gw makan krn gw milih main Bookworm. =D udh 50000an yeee sampe. -_-

Jam bner" mndarat dan kt boleh keluarnya itu agk lama. Bahkan baru kluar aj ud lebih dr 16.35 (waktu arrival yg seharusnya) ngebut deh gw ke arah baggage claim. Mana baggage gw akhir" gtu. Gw kaget ngeliat sistem gimana kopernya dikeluarkan. Mesin gtuh, kopernya kayak dimuntahkan gtuh d, trus depannya ada penahan jadinya gak bakal jatoh kopernya. Conveyor beltnya jg miring agak curam gtu. Klo di Indo biasanya kan datar. Pas liat koper gw, gw pun langsung maju mendekati. Tp gw gak kuat ngangkat dan akhirnya malah agak ketarik ma kopernya (conveyor beltnya kan ttep jalan). Untung ada seorang bapak yang bantuin ambil dan ngangkat ke troli gw. Hehehehehehe.

Keluarnya, nama gw disebut. Ibu gmuk ini tampaknya baik bgt heheheh ramah pula. Gw malu" gtu, snyum" doang dan ngedektin mereka. Trus gw disuruh dorong troli ke deket pintu kluar, trus kt foto bntr. Dikasih banner yg tulisannya Isabella (kanji" yg gw gatau apaan) Selamat Datang. Ada bendera Taiwan jg. Seneng.

Yg jemput sih gak banyak tp gk apa", lagian ttep disambut dgn hangat. Host fam pertama sama host fam kedua jemput gw. Bapak dan ibu yg satu lg kyknya bukan counsellor tp IT (gatau apaan... hehehe) club sponsornya. Pada kaget lho ngeliat koper gw. Knapa? Katanya dikit bgt. -_-" kan ada tuh 3 anak cewek, 1 host sister gw skrg.. nmnya Rose (chinesenya Lee Yu-Hsuan), yg kedua adlh host sis kedua yg namanya Wewe (bagi kt org Indonesia mgkn namanya aneh ya.. hehehe) trus yg satu lg gak tau host sis ketiga atau bukan, tp namanya Bella sama kayak gw =D

Krn ini udh panjang banget, jdnya gw bagi jd bbrp bagian. Hehehe.